Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT) would like to introduce you to the newest member of our team. Dan Reis, an Instructional Technologist, will guide faculty and staff in the application of instructional technologies, including Web 2.0 tools, learning response systems, collaboration software, multimedia tools, presentation tools, tablet devices, and Moodle.
Dan will serve as one of TLT’s “go to” staff members for faculty who are looking to incorporate technology into their teaching and learning.
“I’m not one to force technology for technology’s sake,” said Dan. “I like to sit down with faculty and see where they could use some help or use some tool to make an assignment better or to allow their students to collaborate better.”
Dan has also become a contributor to the Elon Technology blog, where he has helped to launch a new blog series called Moodle Musings.
Randy Piland, Faculty Fellow for Technology, commented, “We hired Dan for both his fluency in new technology and his eagerness to work with faculty to advance teaching and learning.”
Dan comes from North Carolina Central University, where he worked as a Multimedia Designer in the Center for University Teaching and Learning. Dan is finishing his master’s degree in Information and Library Science this spring at UNC-Chapel Hill.
If you have an idea or would like assistance using technology to further teaching and learning, contact Dan at dreis2@elon.edu, at extension 5029, or stop by his office in Belk Library 115.