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9th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference

Now in its ninth year, Elon’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference drew over 300 faculty, program directors, and administrators from 40 area colleges and universities on August 17, 2012.

With the theme of Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Traditional & Non-Traditional Settings, the conference provided opportunities to look at student learning, faculty roles in creating active and engaging learning environments, and technologies that support engaged teaching and learning.

Conference resources

  • Opening Plenary Session: “How to hit a moving target: assessing engaged learning”
    Ashley Finley, Senior Director of Assessment and Research – Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), and National Evaluator – Bringing Theory to Practice Project

Save the Date

Mark your calendar for next year’s 10th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference: August 15, 2013 at Elon University

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Statewide Civic Engagement Institute

NCCC 10th Anniversary logoNorth Carolina Compact’s Tenth Anniversary Institute, “Intensifying Impact: Engagement Matters” is being held on February 15, 2012. Read this memo from Steven House, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to learn more about the institute and how you can attend.


To: Faculty and Administrative Department Heads

From: Steven House, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Re: The Statewide Civic Engagement Institute – February 15, 2012

You are invited to attend North Carolina Campus Compact’s Tenth Year Anniversary Institute, “Intensifying Impact: Engagement Matters.” This day-long conference will be held February 15, 2012, at the William and Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill. The Provost’s office will cover the cost of the conference for Elon faculty members interested in attending.  For a specific schedule and speakers, visit the website.

Formed in the spring of 2002, and housed at Elon University, NC Campus Compact has helped member campuses build their capacity to produce civically-engaged graduates and strengthen North Carolina communities.  The Tenth Year Anniversary Institute is dedicated to thinking deeply about how best to continue our campus community engagement, inter- and intra- institutional collaborations, and lifelong commitment to engagement by education leaders and students.

Conversations will include: Why civic engagement? Why now? How can our campus better contribute to producing lifelong, civically-engaged graduates? How do we increase democratic participation and the number of informed, engaged, and globally knowledgeable civic participants? What national trends and research can inform our work in North Carolina?

All participants will receive a copy of To Serve a Larger Purpose, and will have an opportunity to discuss with Dr. Caryn Musil, Sr. Vice President for AAC&U, results of the newly published report, A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy’s Future. Mark Gearan, President of Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the former director of the Peace Corps, and President Clinton’s Chief of Staff, is also a distinguished guest. President Gearan is a national expert on the service movement, past-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service, a member of the Leadership Council of ServiceNation and a member of the White House Council for Community Solutions.

This Tenth Year Anniversary Institute also celebrates ten years of campuses in North Carolina collaborating together to build campus-community partnerships to address North Carolina’s greatest challenges.  Elon University is one of seven campuses that will be featured in a video – produced and edited by Elon University’s Teaching and Learning Technologies – to be premiered at the luncheon celebration. President Leo M. Lambert and Professors Beth and Bud Warner will help to facilitate workshops.  I hope you will also attend!

To Register: In order to track Elon Faculty registrations please register through Libby Otos at lotos@elon.edu prior to February 1 and provide the following information: Your name, phone number, if you are faculty or staff, your email address, if you’d like the vegetarian lunch option and any special needs you may have. Please also let Libby know if you would like to carpool to the institute.  In the past we have paid the registration fee for some who did not end up attending the conference, so please attend if you register.

This is an extremely valuable opportunity to share knowledge and ideas with colleagues from across the state in multiple disciplines and to strengthen Elon University’s community engagement conversation. If you have questions, please visit the web site or call the Kernodle Center at x7250.

We look forward to seeing you at the Institute!

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