Prezi Meeting
You can now work together in real time on the same prezi! With Prezi Meeting, teams can collaborate live or simply present prezis with up to 10 people in a prezi at one time. Prezi Meeting is included in all license types.
Color Wizard
Now you can customize prezis according to your choice of colors and fonts. Paying users can even add their own business logo. Create branded themes by adding your exact colors. If you are a designer: start editing the CSS of the prezi directly.
Drag and drop files to PreziDesktop
Drag and drop images, videos and PDF documents directly to PreziDesktop from your computer! The color wizard and CSS editing are also available in this update of the offline editor.
Snap to
Ever wondered about creating more order in the Prezi galaxy? Now you can rotate, scale or move objects and they will automatically snap into position with other objects. You can also align text with other text boxes.