Author Archives: Dan Reis
New way to capture student narratives and reflection in Moodle

The journal in Moodle has a lot of fans. Moodle’s decision to remove it in Moodle 2 (Elon is upgrading to Moodle 2 on May 21, 2012) left a lot of people scratching their heads, TLT included. The rationale behind Continue Reading
Moodle upgrade brings new features: what you need to know

Elon will be upgrading to the latest version of Moodle on May 21, 2012. This is particularly important for faculty currently teaching graduate courses and faculty teaching upcoming summer courses. Continue Reading
Record brief videos to introduce yourself or course content

YouTube includes a largely unknown feature that makes it quick and easy to record video. That’s right – record video! It’s easy because no other video software is needed, it records directly into YouTube. Educators can quickly record a video … More → Continue Reading
Improving in-class discussion using Moodle tools – part 1

Focusing on the principles of priming, integrating and reinforcing, this two part series will introduce you to some low threshold applications of Moodle, taking your in-class discussions from ghost town to boomtown. Continue Reading
5 design strategies to engage your students in Moodle

Guest post by Moodlerooms – Elon’s Moodle partner. Engaging students in fresh and interesting ways can definitely be a challenge in the classroom, even more so in the online arena. Here are some design strategies that you can use in Continue Reading
Social pedagogies: motivating students through authentic audiences

Derek Bruff, the director of Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching, was at Elon University in February to talk about social pedagogies. You can view a condensed version of the presentation below or jump to specific video segments by clicking on Continue Reading
Introduction to open educational resources

This is a summary of the ExperienceIT session Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OERs) held on March 15, 2012. For more information on OERs, contact Dan Reis in Teaching and Learning Technologies. What are Open Educational Resources (OERs)? Put simply, … More → Continue Reading