Category Archives: Steering Committee

Meeting minutes and major updates from the Steering Committee will be posted here.

Steering Committee Meeting Notes (3/12/15)

Steering Committee Meeting Notes (3/12/15)

1). Reports from classes

  • 15’s
    • Monthly munchies: March 18th 8-11
    • Fundraiser with Pelicans (need a place)
    • 5K plans being discussed


      The Steering Committee sharing updates with each other and showing remarkable tolerance to the demand to “get a picture” from that director dude.

    •  Graduation Stoles: still in the works
    • Class sustainability: creating a club at Elon
    • Partner was featured in documentary; Library is ordering this -> maybe we can share this to campus
  • 16’s
    • Grant writing class next Tuesday
    • Cookies to gogo April 8th
    • Good vibes from partners
    • LUPE meeting went well
    • English lessons continue
  • 17’s
    • Accountability representatives
    • Mission Statement and email template revisions
    • New contacts:)  Leonard Shikololo in the north of Namibia

2). Pan-Periclean Updates

  • Handbook -> physical copy by induction (1st draft) but updated every year
  • Induction: Periclean of the year (will be announced at induction) Let Arcaro know as soon as it is decided.

3). Director Updates

  • Chiapas
    • can’t send anyone down without fac/staff leadership
    • Need a way to decide who goes on the trip if it happens.  We need a faculty/staff person to go
  • Search
    • Susie and Kelsey on search committee for assistant director
    • Ad goes out next Monday -> will proceed from there
  • Periclean Foundation
    • successor of Periclean alumni foundation (2012)
    • 12’s Franklin Project Initiative -> pathways of service for year after graduation
    • Have a Elon fellow for your class to continue your project?

4). Random Notes:

  • make sure to post your notes on the blog after each class meeting
  • make sure to categorize your notes and use headings and pictures!
  • Core 455: Start now to construct; needs to have deliverables
  • money for stoles comes from pan-periclean; think ahead for this
  • steering committee blog post in  Periclean Book
  • buttons at induction (perhaps “Peace, Love, Periclean” if we’re lucky)!!!





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Steering Committee Notes 11/21

Class Updates

2016s: The class has been doing feasibility studies and successfully ruled out some infeasible areas of focus. Now they are exploring areas of focus that touch on several issues, such as education and water. The class is also working on final projects. These projects vary from the Cookies to Gogo, updating the portfolio, hosting a Honduran dinner, to communicating with other universities in Honduras, etc.

2015s: The class has two events going on this month! Today, there is a human trafficking panel in Lakeside 214 from 4:00-6:00. Tomorrow there will be a human trafficking/restavek walk in the Iconic Plaza from 4:30-6:00. Outside of that, the class is working exploring opportunities for partnership with their local and Haitian partner, as well as awareness events on campus, for next semester. They are exploring the idea of creating an endowment for students from Restavek Freedom Foundation to attend either Elon University or Elon Academy, but much more discussion is necessary to determine whether it would be beneficial or not. Elon’s international education week may focus on Haiti. They are planning for Alamance for Freedom’s board meetings as well as contributing to their Freedom Run, a 5k to raise the organization’s funds.

2014s: The class is going up to Appalachia a couple days after exams for their Christmas dinner! The fridge for that dinner is currently on the fritz and needs to be replaced. The weekend prior to the dinner, toys are given out for the Christmas season. The class is collecting donated toys (donate them in Lindner!!) for this as well as buying extra toys from Midnight Munchies. Last year, the cap was set at 77 kids, and 14s would love to exceed that cap. They are also collecting monetary donations. The 14s are also working on their Indigogo documentary. The class’s final product is planned to be a comprehensive book of the people they’ve met in Appalachia, and their activities and experiences.


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Steering Committee Notes 9/26

Big news of the day: a study abroad winter term course for Periclean classes in their respective countries has been approved to count as a capstone GST course!

The AACU Value Rubrics can be a tool when creating Junior and Senior year Periclean class syllabi. It explicitly states many of the hidden goals of Periclean Scholars. We know what’s going on, but it’s important to have a structured plan in writing for accreditation purposes. Action point: go back into your syllabus and edit it to reflect more direct and purposeful connection with learning outcomes.

MMMMJ, the author of a fictional service book titled Missionary, Mercenary, Mystic, Misfit, is going to join us for a Skype conversation one upcoming afternoon. His book focuses on the stages of working in service, and it would be a great conversation for any Periclean to sit in on!

Remember to work on your elevator speech video!

Other reminders:

Letter competition is approaching

Celebrate is Oct 10th!

Talk to Tom about your representatives for the Summit for Transformative Education


Class updates:

’16s: Fundraising idea: Have a Pan Periclean tailgating event for Homecoming. Possibly they could charge a couple dollars for entrance. They were also thinking of screening a documentary and inviting Carol Smith to talk about Namibia. They’re also going to do some team building through pumpkin carving with April! How fun!

’15s: The class is getting really close to identifying their Haitian partner! They’re currently working on getting the necessary permission for an Elon University associated trip, and the new news about the GST course is really exciting. A Haitian dance theatre is also coming for an event  in November and the class will work closely with the dance department to organize and promote. A connection though Woody Pelton’s Peace Corps meetings

’14s: They have a heavy focus on fundraising right now. They’re writing a Community facility Grant (and researching other grants they can apply to) and continuing their monthly grilled cheese and cookie events. They’re also making an Indie Go Go video for a fundraising campaign, and right now they’re narrowing how much they want to ask for and for what projects. Two trips are planned for now: the apple butter festival in two weeks and another trip over fall break to get closer to the community

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First Steering Committee Meeting of ’13-’14: 8/29/13

First Steering Committee Meeting of ’13-’14: 8/29/13


  • Organization Fair: We need all hands on deck for recruiting the next class for Mentor Carol Smith! Get the word out there – both at and before the org fair. The next class’s focus country will be Namibia.
  • Periclean Social coming up on September 1st from 4-6PM in Belk Pavilion 208. There will be Indian food at the social as well.
  • Summit for Transformative Education: Weekend of Oct 18-20th. Three Pericleans, one from each Class, will be sent sent to this conference. It’s an opportunity to meet other undergraduates who are doing things similar to us. Dr. Arcaro is meeting with his counterparts at other NC universities to pull together similar groups for networking and to share knowledge and skills. Classes need to decide who wants to go and who can go. One Periclean Mentor has already been funded to go.
  • The Junior class is in charge of planning and coordinating the Celebrating Periclean Scholars event. Tom and Crista generally choose a Periclean alumn to speak.
  • The Blog: A one-stop shop for all things Periclean. Encourage people to bookmark this page and visit it.
  • The Steering Committee meetings’ main function is to facilitate communication and coordination between the different current classes. But after each week or so each class should make an update on the blog including what the class working on this week and action points about what you plan to do in the future.
  • Letters to officials and national competitions: We have not been focusing on sending out letters as much as we could. Each semester all Periclean Classes should strive to have a folder of letters that they have sent out. This could be made into an assignment as it is very concrete and focused. Keep doing research on your country and it’s relationship with other countries. Be on a first name basis with the US ambassador to your country!
  • Handbook: A longterm goal. A subcommittee or separate committee will be formed to update the handbook, which is currently online. The updated copy will be printed and copies will be available in the Periclean corner. The goal is to have this in our hands by the end of the semester and then to update it every year. The handbook goal is very doable – if you have people who have
  • Photos for the Periclean Corner: The pictures in the Periclean Corner haven’t changed in years. Let’s get some new photos in there! The Periclean Corner will be moving soon to the Global Village and we need new decorations to spiffy up the area. Let’s make visitors, alumni, and potential members impressed by our space and let’s make them understand the impact of our work by how we present our space.
  • The CRHP building in Jamkhed, India is now open! This is an effect of between the ’12s work and their documentary, “Health for All.”
  • The ’09s. In Zambia, there is a community of people near Ndola with with Pericleans have worked since 1009. Four of these Habitat houses were built by the Pericleans. A microfinance program has been produced in the community to set up loans, focused on women, to enhance the community and particularly the financial stability of the community. They are working with Voster Tembo, a long-term partner of the area,  and the Zambian Development Support Foundation.
  • Steve Braye has expressed commitment to being the mentor of the ’18s! He was one of the mentors of the first class, who focused on Zambia. His class will be going back to this country. He will also be the interim director while Dr. Arcaro  and Crista are gone this spring.
  • Next Meeting September 12th @ 9:4o.  In two weeks from today, we will have the next Steering Committee meeting.



Class Updates:

The ’14s just came back from their fourth trip to Appalachia. They went to St. Charles, Virginia. They were collecting info for the POD lectures. They talked to Ron Carson, the director of a black lung clinic, which you can read more about on their blog, In the future, they will be going to a community event to get a more collective view. Currently, their focus is expanding to connect the three communities that they have worked with. (Note from Arcaro: make sure that you have deliverables for the POD lectures!) The class is also working on bringing in speakers from Appalachia in the upcoming year. A connection was made with a Key Club mentor in an Appalachian high school. They will be working on small projects with the club, including selling local vendors’ art online. (Note: maybe the art can also be sold in the food area of the Global Village?)

The ’15s read Little Princes, by Conor Grennan, over the summer. They are also reading A Crime So Monstrous this semester. Both books provide insight into child trafficking, which is their focus topic in Haiti. Currently, the class is forming committees to address their goals for the semester, including forming partnerships with child slavery organizations in both the United States as well as Haiti.


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Steering Committee 4/25

At the end of the semester, every class should have an updated resume. What did you read? What partnerships did you form? How is your journey going?

In order for these to be useful, we need to critique ourselves. Talk about the blind alleys that your class went down. What went wrong? Give the younger classes something they can learn from. It will help them in their own journey and to avoid their own blind alleys. The resumes should go onto the blog, in the resume section. Also post them in your own class’ section!

We should form a history page for Elon University Periclean Scholars. Perhaps this could happen on a wiki page? It would be editable over time, and each of the classes’ (past, present, and future) could contribute. It could also be a resource for future classes, especially with research about the program that they just got themselves into.


We are close to having a winter term course count as an upper level GST!


We (Dr. Arcaro, Dr. Arangala with Paul Anderson) are asking for a small grant focusing on writing within the Periclean Scholars. It will start a letter writing program. These letters would go to policy makers that have an impact on each class’ partner country. For example, the US ambassador to Mexico. This program would also address the QEP focus on writing. As the program continues, it could be a resource for future classes and guide them toward which types of letters write and what type of officials are ideal to target.

If you go to your embassy’s Facebook page for your partner country (Mexico, Haiti, etc), it will give you updates on happenings within the country and within the Americans residing in the country.

There has been an idea to hold a pan-Periclean seminar every semester with Kurt Moore to talk about how to get money for your particular class. Other ideas have included a pan-Periclean grant writing workshop, building a certification for all the effort/hours that we have put in. It would be homologous to a minor, however there are curriculum complications that prevent taking it that far. (As we have seen with the upper level GST)


Both Dr. Arangala and Dr. Arcaro are going to be abroad next spring. (Dr. Arangala is traveling on a Fulbright scholarship!) Steve Braye will be the temporary director. He will be around in the fall to facilitate the transition.

If you have a faculty member that you think would be a good fit for mentorship, tell Dr. Arcaro/Dr. Arangala! They are always on the lookout.


Class Updates:

2013: A lot of graduation and sustainability activities.

They’re hosting a pizza party with the 2016s! The class is also looking for them to try out continuing the workshops already in place.

Baseball game with the women they have been working with, and a bbq beforehand as an end of year celebration.

They are doing about a five minute presentation at the Leaders of the 21st Century on what their class did and why it’s important in the Elon experience. (Two years ago, the Leaders of the 21st Century is a night before graduation celebration that showcases notable students. Recently, the Periclean Scholars have been added into this ceremony. Each program made a video, but this year they’re not.)

On a side note, there has been a tradition of each graduating class wearing a stole at graduation that is made their partner area.


2014: The class is applying for grants over the summer.

Yesterday, they set dates for their next trip! The week before classes start.

They’ve been working towards having classing for the PODS and forming what they will address during these classes.

Smaller projects: Garden Bed: a donation letter is currently being edited and then being sent to the regional and local hardware stores.


2015: The class is currently working collectively to define their own program, goals, and identity so that they can continue to form mutually beneficial and productive partnerships. They have heard back from many possibilities, but need a cohesive way to move forward and gain momentum. Homework would be a good a way to ensure continued progress; something that can be accomplished outside of the class time and is tangible/measurable.

They hosted an informal dinner with the class of 2016 yesterday on Young Commons to welcome and get to know them.


Another side note:

Periclean Foundation: founded by the class of 2012 last spring. Any class’ remaining money must go into this fund at graduation; it doesn’t go into a class alumni fund. Anyone can contribute/donate to this Foundation. Parents, alum, wealthy philanthropists…

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Steering Committee 3/21

Members of the inaugural Class of Cuidadanos Globales from the University of Monterrey will be visiting with their founding director Professor Hector Gomez de la Paz on April 9th-12th (overlapping the Class of 2016  Induction). We would like to host them with members of the Class, instead of putting them up in a hotel. Perhaps we could find members of current Periclean Classes that has the capacity to provide them a place to sleep and store their belongings. By visiting, we hope to show what it’s like to be an Elon Periclean


Funds for Excellence: anyone can apply, students or faculty, for up to $5,000 for programming. Last year, we used it for the week of reflection on human trafficking during the ’15’s Induction, and we have it again for a week of reflection on corporate responsibility. So far, one day is for environmental corporate responsibility. For the induction, Tesla Mellage works for Cargil International, which has a good history in partnering and development as far as sustainable outreach goes for corporations. She is also Honduran and will speak about what it will be like to work in that area.


’06’s did a film called, “Testing Positive,” and their screening raising money for Alamance Cares here in Alamance County. It was based on a short story, and told the story of  a student who finds out that she is HIV+.  A second narrative film what produced in 2008 entitled A River’s Reach that focused on students’ transformation from apathy to awareness and eventual global citizenship. We  could use these resources to create another project similar to the ’06’s  and ’08’s films. We could use students in the Theatre program who don’t necessarily get as much screen cover as they would like, and Communications students get to put their skills into a real-world application. There are many venues that Pericleans can reach an audience, and perhaps we should further explore artistic venues. We would be contributing ideas for a screen play. This could be especially pertinent to the Restavek situation, as it’s easier to talk about sensitive topics through a fictional story than directly addressing the current issue. The idea isn’t just for particular classes; it could be a Pan-Periclean project. Toxic Charity may be a good starting point.


Class Updates:

’13: The Class is currently doing pods for Global Experience classes this week. The class is also looking into how to make their project sustainable by bringing in more students to work with the Hispanic women. Creating presentations for Elon courses is a great feat as well as a great service, and lays down a great path for future classes.

’14: The Class’s main focus is grant-writing. They have reached out a member of AppVoices and is coming to talk about the topic and the process associated with it. They’re also starting to plan a trip after their graduation. They also revamped some of their committees to focus and move forward on various projects.

’15: The Class is moving forward in planning the Freshmen Induction. They have plans for preparing food, the program, and the flow of the event. They are also in a formative stage in their partnership development, but are making great progress in not only identifying possible projects, but deciding on their own strengths and goals.


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Steering Committee 3-7-13 Notes

Agenda Provided by Director Arcaro:


Name change update
Newsletter update
Class updates

Induction Ceremony and Week of Reflection on Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility: Mid April, everyone come, and look for email from Dr. Arcaro! Two guest speakers, Kevin Tripani, is an incredible speaker and a long time friend of Periclean Scholars. Other guest speaker, Tessla M. is a Central American PR for Cargil’s Food responsibility and development program, as well as an alumni of the Periclean Scholars Program. She will be the keynote speaker for the 2016 Induction Ceremony. What is corporate responsibility and food security in developing countries?

Dr. Arcaro is entering the Periclean class into Kalamazoo’s Arcus Center: Global Prize for Collaborative Social Leadership tomorrow. This will provide funding for the program! Finalists for competition will travel to Kalamazoo on May 10th and 11th. Dr. Arcaro reminds us of the long-term commitment of Periclean Scholars, encourage other institutions to replicate program.

Name Change Update: Dr. Arcaro will be meeting with President Lambert tomorrow to discuss name change. Class Updates will be provided. Name change is currently postponed until futher notice.

Updated steering committee members on Periclean Blog, feel free to add anyone in your class and send the link to your friends and family.

Class 2016/2015 Update: Induction: Induction is currently being planned by Colby, Susie, Cat, Georgia and Shelby. Met with Crista yesterday (Colby and Susie) and now have a template to discuss in class on Tuesday. If you would like to become involved with the induction, please contact one of the five. It is scheduled for April 11th from 5 to 6:30 pm. Colby met with April Post to discuss induction ideas and potential retreat between 2015 and 2016. All class retreat idea in progress for next fall (freshmen through senior); more to be planned. Class on 3-5 was very successful, emails will be sent to potential partners by next Tuesday.

Class 2013’s Mexico: Currently working on Global Pods, they are scheduled for March 20th and March 21st before Spring Break.

If you would like to read two books referred to by Dr. Arcaro, come to his office! They are..” That The World May Know” by James Dawes, and “Toxic Charity” by Robert Lupton.


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2/21 Steering Committee Notes

News from Arcaro:

Steering Committee: Purpose of these meetings is communication between the classes. Keep up with this; class notes, steering committee meetings, overall social media and transparency within the project. This is one collective platform that current classes, alumni, and outside interest groups can keep up to date on what’s going on in each class and in the overall project. “Keep a culture of inclusivity.” The program works best when all of the classes are working to support each other. This is a mechanism to go in that direction!

We can make this page visually appealing and get many different parties interested not only in the overall program but each of the classes’ projects. WordPress is easy to use and easy to learn. Hyperlinks, pictures, videos, organization, etc. The more pathways we provide for meaningful communication, the more likely this communication is likely to occur

Upcoming events: Wednesday, Feb 27th, 4:00 (tentative) Agustin Landa: Vice President of Development. He is our primary connection for University of Monterey and is visiting Elon for the day. (This is the university that is modeling a project after Elon’s Periclean Scholars chapter) He should meet some of the current Pericleans! He is a great connection, and it would be great to get him interested in this, for both us, him, and the University of Monterey.

Feedback from the community: Judith Ramaley: on the board of the national board of Project Pericles. She read Dr. Arcaro’s paper about duplicating our program. “The Crucible Moment” challenged universities to change their structure, architecture and how they approach involvement. She affirmed that Periclean Scholars is an innovative project, and that it not only could be replicated, but that is should. Good feedback!

Keep up the good work! People are looking at our cohorts and giving thumbs up.

Class Updates

Appalachia: 3:30 Movie screening on Saturday in McEwen!
Mexico: Planning for leading pods in the spring and working on a script for a documentary about the same information.
Haiti: Senior year, spring or fall, we should organize and teach a pod. Currently, we are narrowing our partner organizations and planning the induction.

Send in articles for the Newsletter! And pictures!

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Steering Committee Minutes – 9/13/12

Pan- Periclean Meeting 9-13-12


Dr. Tom Arcaro- Director

Tara Corbett- Class of 2013

Sally Spurr- Class of 2013

Alex Lake- Class of 2013

Beth McKie- Class of 2014

Raymond Haack- Class of 2010

Katie Hadobas- Class of 2014

Emily Forinash- Class of 2014

Susie Masecar- Class of 2015

Colby Halligan- Class of 2015



Health For All Expo- In Paris, Dr. Tom Arcaro will represent Elon University

Changing the Name of Periclean:

Bigger picture name- “Periclean 2.0”

  • Periclean needs a new name to help replicate program
  • Institutions understand program but there is a difficult learning curve and institutions have a lack of resources/ finances
  • Elon will be a model for other universities
  • Periclean is an Elon University initiative
  • We need to change the name to demonstrate we are a distinct part of Project Pericles
  • To change the name we want the help of current students, mentors, partners, alumni, and facility; everyone is involved
  • The outcome of renaming and the process is important
  • We need concrete input on the process!
  • How do we enact vision?
  • Alex Lake writing prompt explaining what we want the name to entail
  • Raymond Haack is creating a google doc so scholars can offer ideas
  • Scholars want employers to be able to look on a resume and understand the meaning of the group
  • Become more clearly branded
  • No timeline for name, but urgency!!
  • Arcaro hopes to have it finished by “Celebrate” on October 4th


Class Updates

  • 2013: The class of 2013 has been providing health sessions with Hispanic women. Their current focus is on  “women’s health.” This summer the class focused locally. They are currently planning their winter term trip. This entails who is going and where they are traveling in Chiapas, Mexico. The class wants to continue local engagement throughout the year. They are planning on having women come to campus from Latin America. They hope to provide more information on childhood nutrition. Their long term goal is to focus on general health, as well as, to advocate for resources for the Hispanic community. Their on campus involvement includes offering zumba classes for local Hispanic women as well as a cooking class. Tip from Class of 2013: Plan ahead with credits to study abroad and team build!


  • 2014: The class of 2014 has been planning a Symposium scheduled for February 18th. This symposium will begin with college coffee then progress into a panel involving health issues and information. In the evening, there will be music performed by Appalachian musicians. The class is interested in bringing people from the Appalachian region to Elon for a film and a question and answer session. This summer, they completed their scheduling for the Symposium. In addition, Derek Mullen, a connection the class developed last year, will be a speaker at Global Pods. The class hopes to host Appalachian people who are interested in speaking to Elon classes. The Foundation, Keeper of the Mountain is coming to Elon to discuss the Appalachian region. The class is having difficulty, because the majority of their class is studying abroad. Tip From Class of 2014: Discuss studying abroad, as well as, team build!


  • 2015: The class of 2015 has helped provide money for a Haitian student’s college tuition through a connection with scholar, Stephanie. We are currently working in groups and gathering information about the country. The class is providing a table at Campus Fest next week. Possible educational opportunities would be to connect with Courtney Latta 09’ scholar and learn Creole. Latta currently works with the 2013 class and worked in Haiti for two years. She experienced the earthquake in Port-Au-Prince. She currently lives in Chapel Hill and is pursuing her masters in Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill.  Additional information for Class of 2015 is Dr. Arcaro went to Laogone, Haiti in August to get a sense of logistics. He is willing to discuss his trip to any of the scholars.


Upcoming Periclean Events

  • Celebrate Event on October 4th- Maya Angelou Night- Pericleans will celebrate prior to speaker from 5:30 to 6:00 pm, food will be provided. From 6:00- 7:00 pm each class will provide a speaker to give an update about class progress. This presentation should be between three and five minutes. In addition, two alumni will be discussing their journey through Periclean Scholars. Do we want to give an invitation to administration? Steven House? President Lambert?
  • Campus Wide Political Debate is Thursday October 25 in Whitley Aud. at 6 or 6:30 pm. Periclean Scholars are taking lead of the event, but also working with SGA and other organizations.
  • At College Coffee this coming Tuesday, students will have the opportunity to place poker chips in their debate topics of choice. Participate!
  • Next Meeting for Pan-Periclean Steering Committee is 9-27-12


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