Steering Committee Notes 9/26

Big news of the day: a study abroad winter term course for Periclean classes in their respective countries has been approved to count as a capstone GST course!

The AACU Value Rubrics can be a tool when creating Junior and Senior year Periclean class syllabi. It explicitly states many of the hidden goals of Periclean Scholars. We know what’s going on, but it’s important to have a structured plan in writing for accreditation purposes. Action point: go back into your syllabus and edit it to reflect more direct and purposeful connection with learning outcomes.

MMMMJ, the author of a fictional service book titled Missionary, Mercenary, Mystic, Misfit, is going to join us for a Skype conversation one upcoming afternoon. His book focuses on the stages of working in service, and it would be a great conversation for any Periclean to sit in on!

Remember to work on your elevator speech video!

Other reminders:

Letter competition is approaching

Celebrate is Oct 10th!

Talk to Tom about your representatives for the Summit for Transformative Education


Class updates:

’16s: Fundraising idea: Have a Pan Periclean tailgating event for Homecoming. Possibly they could charge a couple dollars for entrance. They were also thinking of screening a documentary and inviting Carol Smith to talk about Namibia. They’re also going to do some team building through pumpkin carving with April! How fun!

’15s: The class is getting really close to identifying their Haitian partner! They’re currently working on getting the necessary permission for an Elon University associated trip, and the new news about the GST course is really exciting. A Haitian dance theatre is also coming for an event  in November and the class will work closely with the dance department to organize and promote. A connection though Woody Pelton’s Peace Corps meetings

’14s: They have a heavy focus on fundraising right now. They’re writing a Community facility Grant (and researching other grants they can apply to) and continuing their monthly grilled cheese and cookie events. They’re also making an Indie Go Go video for a fundraising campaign, and right now they’re narrowing how much they want to ask for and for what projects. Two trips are planned for now: the apple butter festival in two weeks and another trip over fall break to get closer to the community

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