Periclean Scholars Global Pods Presentations
On November 11 and November 12 of 2013, the Periclean Scholars class of 2014 presented information and insight into the culture, present issues, and potential future growth in Central Appalachia as a part of the Global Experience Pod presentations. Presenters included Ross McFarland, Mel Witman, Cassie McClellan, Brittany Graham, and Opal Patel. Factual background information was presented along with clips from documentaries such as “The Last Mountain” and “Oxyana,” as well as the personal ties the class has through the Periclean program.
The presentation opened with an introduction to the areas of focus of the class, followed by a clip from “A Thousand Little Cuts,” a mountain top removal documentary, that includes an interview with the class’s partner, Lorelei Scarbro. Presenters then continued into a history of the region, including coal camps, an explanation of coal in general, and the mountaintop removal process accompanied by footage from the class’s flyover experience in Central Appalachia. Environmental impacts were covered next, including the mass destruction of mountains, rivers, and wildlife, among other things. This topic also ties directly into health impacts through the contamination of drinking water, black lung development, drug abuse, and excessive cancer and birth defect rates that occur from living in proximity to mining sites. This section was also complemented with an interview with Ron Carson, a black lung specialist that the class has been working with and learning from in the region, as well as a clip from an upcoming documentary entitled “Oxyana,” which delves into the darkness of Appalachia’s Oxycontin addiction issues. The final component of the presentation included politics, legislation, and economy effects, clearly illustrating how expansive and invasive the effects of mountaintop removal truly can be in one community or region.
Overall, response from the audience went above and beyond expectations! The audience became interactive in that they provided their home zip codes which were utilized to present a visual of the mountains from which their energy was coming from on the website There were many thoughtful and comprehensive questions posed, as well as apparent interest in joining efforts in Central Appalachia toward a more sustainable lifestyle and becoming a member of the Periclean Scholars of 2017. Pins, stickers, and brochures were distributed widely, extending the “I Love Mountains” message of Appalachian Voices and the Periclean Scholars class of 2017 more prevalently across campus.