NEW: Click here for review and comment about the book (in Spanish).
NEW: Click here for the E-Net story (with pictures) about the launch event.
The book launch event for Aqui & Alla/Here & There by Blanca Z. Nienhaus held Friday, January 17th at Lakeside and was attended by many community supports and friends. One very special guest was Francisco Javier Díaz de León, Consul General of Mexico in Raleigh, North Carolina. He and his wife made the journey from Raleigh to be a part of the event and Sr. Diaz de Leon spoke to those present about how the story told in Aqui & Alla is shared by many from Mexico and Central America.
Mentor for the Class of 2013 Dr. Brian Nienhaus, translator for the book, accompanied Blanca as she spoke to all assembled about the book and about the gift of meeting and hearing the story of Drucila. Drucila herself then spoke to the crowd, translated by Dr. Nienhaus, and talked more about her story and her dreams for the future. She welcomed her mother up with her as she was speaking.
A reporter from the Burlington Times-News was present and this story ran today, Sunday, January 19th, 2014. The Pendulum also covered the event. Read the article here.
Thomas Price, Class of 2013, was present at the event as well. He did the honor of accepting cash or checks for the book to people who wanted to purchase at the event. Everyone was encouraged to tell people about the book and to go to to order it. Proceeds from the book will go to support the Hogares Sanos partnership begun by the Class of 2013 and now being sustained by the Class of 2016 under the Mentorship of Professor April Post.

Aqui&Alla with Sr. Diaz de Leon, Consul General of Mexico in Raleigh, North Carolina, his wife and Associate Provost Dr. Connie Book in the background.