Category Archives: Blogs by Pericleans

Periclean 2017 Blog Post 11/15

Today was a very productive class.  We were able to discuss and reflect about many important topics.  To begin, Annie passed the You Rock Rock to Cayley (me)!  I was surprised at first but honored to be recognized!  Honestly, I have loved taking notes throughout the semester.  Not only does it help me stay focused and involved in the many aspects of Periclean, but it also gives me a deeper understanding of our class.   Following this, class reps reminded everyone to post reflections for BHA and the blog.  Next, we got committee updates from everyone.  These varied in progress as well as emotion.  Some groups feel a significant amount of pressure beyond others.  While we all play an important role in our cohort, this time of the semester is stressful, and communication issues with our partners have made some tasks more complicated.  I think it’s important to recognize this and send as much love and support to our Periclean family during this time.  This led into a Rose, Thorn, Leaf reflection.  This was my favorite part of the class as it was clear that many of us needed a mental break.  Venting was also really nice!  It made us closer as we were able to relate to student workload, as well as professional obligations.  Together, we all look forward to Thanksgiving break with loved ones.  In two weeks we will meet again with a focus on our research.

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2017 Class Update: Nov. 1st

Today in class, our 2017 Periclean cohort successfully tied up a few loose ends, preparing for our final fundraisers (Cookies to Go-Go, and Meal Swipes) and trips to The Burlington Housing Authority, and solidifying a few ideas for our Spring Project. 

We will be hosting our final Cookies to  Go-Go event for this semester next Wednesday on November 9th. Be sure to order your cookies and support our Voices of Sustainability Conference! Similarly, our Meal Swipes fundraiser, taking place December 5th- 9th, will also be benefitting Voices of Sustainability. 

While in class we also were able to confirm that we would have Pericleans at The Burlington Housing Authority for these last few weeks until the end of the semester. This was exciting for our cohort because it will mark a full semester of us positively contributing to our local community. In addition to continuing our relationship with The Burlington Housing Authority in the spring, we have been wanting to take on something else for our local spring project. So far our thoughts have been centered around hosting a festival of some kind at The Burlington Housing Authority. This festival could look something like a health and wellness fair for the children we have been working with this semester. As a cohort, we also tinkered with the idea of giving the students we have been working with this semester a project for them to complete and then teach their families about at the end of the semester through a presentation or poster fair. It is very important to us to have input from The Burlington Housing Authority before we move forward with any local project for the spring, so until we hear back from our contact we will continue to brainstorm new ideas for our spring project.

Towards the end of class we had a guest speaker, Dr. Cahill, come to our class to speak about the philosophy of ethics and how we can use the tools she provided us to help with our restorative plan for our Periclean cohort. Dr. Cahill spoke of a spectrum that could help us identify our individual and cohort feelings about our actions taken while pursuing the KIND Grant; one end of the spectrum signified feelings of wanting to “sweep it under the rug” and not recognize how big of a deal it was, while the other end of the spectrum signified feelings of wanting to punish ourselves for our actions repeatedly and having it create shameful and  negative feelings towards ourself. After explaining the basics of the spectrum, Dr. Cahill opened her presentation up to us for questions and discussion. 

In order to continue to thoughtfully move forward after this presentation, I think that each member of our cohort needs to really think about where we fall on that spectrum in regards to our actions with the KIND grant. In addition, I think that going forward we will all need to be cognizant of each other’s feelings and attempt to help each other with the healing and restorative process. I am hopeful that this will bring us closer as a cohort and will truly be a teachable and transformative moment for each of us. 

Peace, Love, Periclean.

Shay & Periclean 2017

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Quick Update: 4/12

As of April 12th, 2016, the Periclean class of 2017 has accomplished a lot. However, all that we have accomplished has not come easy. Recently our class has called upon every member to step up our commitment levels. We are realizing that January of 2017 is approaching quicker and quicker, and we still have much to do in terms of planning our conference in Namibia. We also have a lot of fundraising left to do in order to make this conference happen, and, similarly, we still have a lot of progress to make towards completing our local project in Burlington, NC. Although we recognize that we still have a few tasks to complete before January of 2017, I believe we are well on our way to achieving our goals.

In terms of fundraising…

We have planned a silent auction for April 22nd from 4-7pm to help raise money for our conference. Additionally, as of next semester we have decided to take over the Cookies to-go-go Periclean fundraiser to help with funding for our class, so stay tuned and plan to order cookies! We also have made Pura Vida Periclean bracelets to sell in order to help us raise funds. Hopefully all of these fundraising efforts, in conjunction to our Gofundme page and our letter writing campaign, will help us reach our fundraising goals for the semester.

In terms of our local project…

We are still working on the logistics of it all, but we have decided that we want to create something along the lines of a demonstration garden in downtown Burlington, NC. We were hoping to pair this demonstration garden with a donation box for our class, hoping to both raise funds and spread awareness of the issue we are trying to address in Namibia. We are trying to locate a place to put this demonstration garden, but have had difficulties in finding a suitable location equipped with people to help take care of the garden while we are not here (ex. summer vacation or after we graduate). On a more positive note, we also recently went into BSS, a local middle school in Burlington, and taught the students about the Periclean Scholars program at Elon, our goals for our project, and the issue we will be addressing while in Namibia.

In terms of the conference/ documentary…

We have solidified our first speaker for our conference in Namibia! Receiving this news was a big win for our class and gives us more motivation to reach our goals. In addition to hosting a conference, we will also be filming a documentary about our project and the issue to further promote our cause after the conference takes place. We have decided to send a crew of two Pericleans to Namibia this summer to get to work on the documentary and already have a lot of cool ideas floating around about it. I am excited to see what footage comes from this summer adventure and what other progress we can make towards setting up the conference as the semester comes to a close.

Peace, Love, Periclean.

The class of 2017

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On a rolllllllll 11.10.15

We are so happy to report that everything is beginning to happen all at once! After submitting the Acorn Proposal (gloriously written by our own Kelsey Lane and Annie Phelan) a discussion of local partners ensued and our class is excited for the prospect of a community garden project in Williams High School. The local partners committee will begin reaching out and communicating with Peacehaven in order to make this abstraction a reality. (Click here for more information!)

As the end of our first semester as juniors is approaching, we are beginning to think about Stoles and the impact we want to make in our last year and a half. To better achieve our goals, we compiled a class list of expectations that we have for one another in order to hold ourselves to a higher standard. On that token, the social committee held a Pan-Periclean bonding event in the Oaks. With the best turnout from the 2017s, apple cider courtesy of Christian and pumpkin pie courtesy of Kelsey was merrily enjoyed. Additionally, a member of the Class of 2018 has a rice cooker and graced us with its bountiful rice.




Our class sent in a concept paper (crafted mainly by the fabulous Christian Kowalski and Oly Zayac) to the embassy in Namibia with a detailed description of what we hope our Winter Term for 2017 could look like abroad. This called for many hours of writing and brainstorming by the whole class. We are waiting to hear back and sincerely hoping for the best12238487_10206387397978658_4112051516582983392_o! The Grants Committee is in motion and has its writers ready to work! Professor Moore has been extremely helpful and a great guide in understanding logistics and concepts. 




Pura Vida bracelets have been purchased by the Fundraising Committee and will be sold for $5 at Elon in addition to surrounding stores (hopefully!). We also are looking into the prospect of a yard sale in order to fundraise from furniture being sold at the end of the year.

We will begin to start making goals and ways to communicate as the group switches for winter term and we no longer have regular class meeting times. As someone going abroad next semester I cannot wait to watch this play out and to be apart of this great project we’re building.

Sam 🙂




This really cool infographic! So glad to be able to have this as a resource for our class and for Ecology Action. Good work everyone!

PLP,Peace Love Periclean


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Vetting Potential Partners- Advice from and to Periclean Scholars

The important process of vetting
In our work as Periclean Scholars we are often faced with the challenge of critically evaluating Non-profits, NGOs, and generally any aid program in another country. This task, necessary for establishing an open and authentic partnership, is challenging for many reasons. It can be hard to know where to begin in evaluating an organization, what criteria to measure and how to access the right information. It can also be hard setting standards. What issues are passable or necessary given the nature of aid work and what issues should be considered important enough to exclude the possibility of a partnership? Our class developed a partnership questionnaire in response to this challenge, which can be found in Mapping Our Successes: The Periclean Handbook, but that document does not show the entire process of evaluating an organization.

There are three general categories our Class deemed were critical in evaluating a non-profit when considering a partnership: internal structure, finance, and programming. The first category concerns itself with how decisions are made and how challenges are responded to, as well as the makeup of the power-structure and the decision-making hierarchy of the organization. The second category is concerned with financial sustainability. The final category, programming, has to do with how target communities are identified and communicated with, as well as how programs are designed, implemented and assessed. Because potential partner organizations come in all shapes and sizes, it’s very difficult to establish standards or criteria with which to evaluate. Instead, our Class identified, as discussed below, several key considerations and warning signs for each category.


Internal Structure
The vast majority of Non-profit organizations has a board of directors, usually comprised of around 12 individuals who guide the organization, decide it’s goals, and advise the director. The board is usually comprised of some funders, some members of the organization (such as the director, the founder), and a financial officer. A great sign for any NGO is if a member of that organizations target community is part of the board. In fact, the most successful and determined NGOs are started by communities that want to help themselves and have multiple community members on their board. It’s important to communicate with as many board members as possible; these people know everything there is to know about the organization and are usually willing to share their opinion. Talking only with a director or founder can sometimes result in optimistic information; board members are generally less involved with the challenges of running the organization and can give more honest opinions.

It is also important to find out the responsibilities of the director, how they delegate tasks and how they make decisions. A good director will communicate closely with their board and staff about challenges and decisions, and will take everyone’s input into consideration. A definite red-flag is if a director makes all or most decisions independent of any input. Directors often spend most of their time fund-raising, coordinating with staff about projects,  and designing new projects or modifying existing projects. If they aren’t doing all of this with the well-informed feedback of the board and the target community, that’s a red flag. Another thing to look out for in a director is a white-savior complex or a MONGO complex, you can read about those in a blog post by our program Director Tom Arcaro.


When inquiring about finances, it’s important to get some key numbers. To get a good grasp of an organization’s finances, find out their annual costs of operation, their annual income, and the size of their endowment. The annual income should obviously be larger than their costs, but it’s important to understand also what an organization’s sources of income are. Is this organization relying on donations? Are most of the donations large or small, reoccurring or one-time? If an organization gets most of it’s money from small, one-time donors, that can be time consuming and it is a red flag for sustainability. Donations can be a great way to raise funds, but grants are better. Many organizations work annually off of the money from multiple grants that they reapply for continually, once an organization satisfies a grant’s requirements once it is a good bet that they will satisfy those same requirements when reapplying. A sustainable, successful and healthy organization will know where it’s funding will come from for years in advance. A good sign is if an organization has a grant-writer on staff, you can ask that person how successful the organization has been at applying for grants. If an organization is putting all of its effort into small-scale donation-based fund-raising, that’s a red flag. Below is a link to a site where you can find, at the least, a 501c3’s annual revenue and expenditures, sometimes you can even find information on their board, impact metrics and some external reviews:


There are two critical components to effective aid/development programming: critical research and community input. If only one of those components is considered, you’ll end up with partially effective programming at best, and harmful or toxic aid at worst. Critical research must be done to understand the history of aid programming targeted at a given issue in a given demographic community. This research can steer program development in the right direction, it can show us what has succeeded and what has failed, and sometimes it can even show us why. Critical research can also key us in to the systemic causes of a certain issue; for example, perhaps a well-building program isn’t a good solution when a textiles factory up-stream is polluting the groundwater. However, no matter how much research is done, no program should be seriously considered without the critical feedback and input of the target community. In my experience, cultural insensitivity, or rather blatant cultural ignorance is the cause of most failed aid. Ideally, the target community is involved in program-development from the brainstorming stage; they know what issues harm them the most and what solutions they are willing to adopt. Furthermore, a community that has ownership and creatorship in a program is immeasurably more likely to put in the work to maintain that program in the event that the non-profit has to become less involved.

So, when communicating with a potential partner NGO/non-profit, ask about why they implement programming in the way that they do, and ask how they developed the program. In any case, if you hear phrases like, “we/I couldn’t stand to see the suffering, so we had to do something”, avoid that organization like the plague. There’s actually two things wrong with the above language: first, there’s a savior complex implied, this organization was motivated by pity and likely has egoistic motives; second, they focused more on the problem than the solution, and that leads to programming that merely eases the detectable symptoms of some problem instead of addressing the root causes(someone should do a case study on how many orphanages it takes to eliminate childhood poverty, or maybe I’m just thinking of the start of a really morbid joke). Also, when asking about programming, the more community involvement an organization actively seeks the better.

The last major consideration with programming is an organizations metrics for measurement. A metric for measurement is how an organization determines the effectiveness of their programming. This can take many forms, quantitative or qualitative, and is entirely dependent on the type of aid being delivered. What’s important here is that critical metrics are in place, and that the organization isn’t throwing money at a problem and hoping for the best. A good organization measures the number of individuals it reaches and the amount of money spent on each person/community. The best organizations start with the goal to improve or reduce some easily measured condition, such as #individuals facing malnutrition, and then measure that metric constantly and revises it’s programming to achieve the best results. When quantitative measurements aren’t possible, unbiased and impersonal qualitative feedback is necessary.


These considerations are far from exhaustive, and may not be completely applicable in all cases. Hopefully though, this gives you a starting place when considering how to vet a particular organization. Remember, whatever organization you partner with becomes a reflection of the Periclean Scholars, so make sure that you hold them to those standards we strive to attain ourselves while knowing that they face the same real-world challenges we face. If an organization presents with some red flags, tell them. It can be socially challenging, but if we want to help the communities of our target countries it means helping these organizations get better as well. If an organization is unwilling to or unable to address the issues you find in the vetting process, you must decide whether to design your partnership in a way that avoids the dangers implicit in those red flags or if it is better to avoid a partnership. This can be a challenging decision, but it is important to take it seriously enough that you experience the frustration of challenge.


Author: Christian Gilbert, Periclean Scholars Class of 2016

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Bethany Stafford Smith

Periclean Scholars Final Writing Assignment: Article

Current Issues in Social Justice—Economic Inequity


A growing issue in not only the United States, but also the world, is the inequity that falls across us all. In the words of Russel Brand, “When I was poor and I complained about inequality, people said I was bitter. Now I’m rich and I complain about inequality, [and] they say I’m a hypocrite. I’m beginning to think they just don’t want inequality on the agenda, because it is a real problem that needs to be addressed.” The growing inequity in the United States is a complex issue that our country is unsure how to address. It has lots of contributing factors, which makes it harder to approach. The reason it matters now is because it has worsened significantly in recent years, especially the last decade. The longer we allow this issue to worsen, the more difficult it will be to fix.

Here are a few mind-blowing statistics:

-The top 20% of US households own more than 84% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% combine for 0.3% of the wealth (Fitz 2015).

-The top 3% held 54.4% of all wealth in the US in 2013, up from 44.8% in 1989. The bottom 90% held 24.7% of all wealth in 2013, down from 33.2% in 1989 (Leubsdorf 2014).

-Lower socioeconomic status generally results in less positive health outcomes and less access to health care; obesity has a greater incidence rate within lower socioeconomic demographics (Obesity Action Coalition 2015).

– The gap between the rich and the poor is widened by many different things including but not limited to: unpaid internships, college, globalization, technology, current tax rates, and capital gains (Shemkus 2015).

This concerns everyone because with statistics like these, it is quite obvious that if things continue to go this way then a small percentage of the country will control the entirety of the United States, leaving the rest of us without hope or opportunity. This cycle is self-perpetuating, the money goes to politics, which continues to increase the power of wealthy individuals, making more policies that only benefit the wealthy, and so on. Programs in our country will become increasingly privatized, resulting in decreased access for all but the super rich.

The economic recession that occurred from 2007-2009 and its effects may seem to be gone, but they are not completely absent from our day-to-day lives. Some lingering effects of the recession have caused an increase in pay for those who are already of higher socioeconomic status, and a decrease in average salary for those who are of less affluence (Leubsdorf 2014). Let’s bring back the ability to work towards the American dream! Let’s bring back hope to have bright futures, no matter what family you were born to, and what neighborhood you live in. Sounds like a good idea, but how?

As there are many aspects to this complicated issue, a multitude of programs, policies, and people would be necessary to stop the widening of the economic gap. Even more programs are essential if we would like the reverse the gap. We could start by pressuring our local governments and state senators to reallocate more funds in the government’s budget to go towards education. This would be impactful because of the way most public education systems currently work in this country. Generally, the schools who score better on standardized tests are given more funding, and the schools that score lower on the standardized tests get less money. Fewer funds mean fewer teachers, fewer programs, and fewer opportunities for these schools to improve. But wait, how does that make any sense? Don’t we need to give more money to the schools that are struggling? The answer to that is yes, but without radical improvements to the public education system, especially in low scoring schools, the opportunity gap will continue to expand. Education offers all the ability to be empowered. By robbing those of lower socioeconomic status a good education we are invalidating Thomas Jefferson’s quote from the American Constitution, about every citizen “having a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Humans of New York, or HONY is a prime example that shows you can help people by doing what you love. Brandon Stanton, the man behind it all, regularly comes up on my Facebook feed photographing a cute elderly couple, a small child, or an eccentric artist. Instead of only photographing random New Yorkers, he has also recently created philanthropic projects. Stanton advertised Mott Hall Bridges Academy (MHBA), a public school that needed more than a little bit of hope. He shared many stories from people who attend or work for MHBA, and in doing so he tells a culmination of this group’s stories. Stanton helps put a name and face to every statistic about the underserved. While raising awareness about the situations of these people, and sharing their stories- be it inspirational, heartbreaking, or awe inspiring- he is also raising funds to help their communities. HONY’s efforts have raised almost 1.5 million dollars to give inner city school children the opportunity to attend college. I think that giving a voice to the people who are so rarely heard by the population is not only extremely important, but it can have powerful effects and offer opportunities to those inherently have fewer.

Another way you can personally get involved is to volunteer with programs in your local community that help the underserved. There are many ways to get involved and help others; you can find opportunities to help others on your own or you can join a group whose purpose is to help. Elon University has a program called Periclean Scholars, a group of students who work together to create sustainable change for many underprivileged parts of the world. For example, Periclean Scholars class of 2016 volunteers with a program every weekend called LUPE, Latinos Unidos Promoveindo la Esperanza. The class of 2016 Pericleans work with LUPE showing them how to read and write in English. This helps empower the members of LUPE in a country where they do not yet speak the native tongue, and results in them having more control in their daily lives. Periclean’s English lessons allow them to feel like their voices can be better heard. Education is highly important to closing the economic gap, it allows for better communication among all citizens of the United States, especially to those who hold positions of power. Periclean Scholars not only help locally, they support other countries around the globe.

Providing resources and education to all, facilitates a more level playing field where all US citizens can cooperate, work together, and truly be heard. Decreasing inequity in the United States would benefit the greater good because equal opportunity is the stepping-stone to enabling everyone’s ability to contribute to society. In closing, remember that volunteering and speaking out are two of the many things you personally can do to help close the economic gap! Every little bit of help and volunteerism makes a difference and brings our country closer to equity.




Fitz, N. (2015) Economic inequality: It’s far worse than you think. Scientific          American. Retrieved from         worse- than-you-think/

Leubsdorf, B. (2014). Fed: Gap between rich, poor americans widened during recovery.    The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from            between-rich-poor-americans-widened-during-recovery-1409853628

Obesity Action Coalition (2015). Obesity statistics. Retrieved from 

Shemkus, S. (2015). Why the gap between the rich and poor is widening.        Retrived from    widening/slide/2/

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Class of 2018, welcome to the Periclean family!

Today we had the honor of inducting the 13th class into Periclean Scholars. The class of 2018 will be focusing on Zambia for the next three years and they are lucky to have Dr. Steve Braye as their mentor. Dr. Braye also headed the class of 2009 and they too focused on Zambia. To start off the induction ceremony, Dr. Arcaro talked about Periclean Scholars and how meaningful the program is. One thing he told the class of 2018 that really stuck out was “what you do in these next three years is up to you.” Dr. Arcaro is completely right about this, it is exciting to know that we have a new class with new possibilities and we are sure that they will do incredible things. After Dr. Arcaro, Dan Baum, the executive director of the Redwoods Group Foundation, came up to speak. Mr. Baum went with the class of 2009 to Zambia to help implement their project and it caused such an impact that he became certified and started to lead habitat humanity trips to Zambia. Mr. Baum made a very important point that was good for the new class to hear right off the bat. He said “be prepared to work with people instead of working for them.” It is important to go into a community and find out what they actually need and then work along side them instead of going in and completing a service project as an outside group. We then had speakers from each current class come up and discuss what they have been doing. Each person spoke eloquently and had good words of advice for the new class. Following the class updates the Periclean of the Year Award was presented to Morgan Abate. Because Morgan is abroad everyone attending the ceremony got to skype her and watch the award be presented virtually. Finally, Dr. Braye said a few words and the class of 2018 was inducted. The best part of the night was when each member of the class of 2018 popped a balloon to find out who their mentor was.

Congratulations to the class of 2018! We cannot wait to see what you accomplish in your next 3 years together.

Peace, love, Periclean.

Haley and Dani

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2016’s Grant Writing Workshop

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Dr. Kurt Moore: Grant Writing Workshop

Summary: We were able to learn all about the grant finding and writing process. This is great for our domestic projects (LUPE and Sustainable Business Summit) and for our abroad projects (Hope For Honduran Children).



  1. General Announcements
  • Need people for Spanish lessons over spring break
  • Meeting with Francois (exchange program vs. apply as Elon student)
    • meeting with Paul Geis and Admissions
  • 31st Immigration Talk (Juliana)
  • Cookies to gogo April 8th
  • Mission statement has been revised
  • Van from Elon to LUPE

2. Grant Writing Workshop

  • buy a space (LUPE) = capital grant
  • we might want to try foreign
  • 75% donated comes from individuals
  • government call for proposals on what they have budgeted
  • apply through Honduras embassy, H4HC would apply for the grant from the Honduran government
  • do your research and make sure you are a fit
  • Private Foundations -> look locally for LUPE (NC community Foundation/Greater Greensboro Community Foundation)
  • Corporate Gifts In-Kind -> companies give supplies rather than money
  • Transition home computers -> go to manufactures for that
  • How to find these foundations? direction connection is best
  • look at foundation directories on powerpoint; contact to use Elon’s subscription to these directories
  • go to hospital/local places and see where this funding is coming from
  • look at organizations that are doing similar work
  • think out of the box!!!
  • show funders that you are sustainable
  • have a leader for each grant?
  • one person writes it . . . so it flows well
  • make sure to write the summary last
  • show off the successes of your organization, why YOU???
  • address whether or not you will use outside consultant
  • you can put money to your volunteer hours -> put in annual figure
    • this is money we are bringing to the table
  • Ask Dr. Moore for attachments that we need
  • Sponsorships (getting equipment)
  • sponsors wants visibility
  • Dr. Moore can research foundations to see if they are a good fit


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Steering Committee Meeting Notes (3/12/15)

Steering Committee Meeting Notes (3/12/15)

1). Reports from classes

  • 15’s
    • Monthly munchies: March 18th 8-11
    • Fundraiser with Pelicans (need a place)
    • 5K plans being discussed


      The Steering Committee sharing updates with each other and showing remarkable tolerance to the demand to “get a picture” from that director dude.

    •  Graduation Stoles: still in the works
    • Class sustainability: creating a club at Elon
    • Partner was featured in documentary; Library is ordering this -> maybe we can share this to campus
  • 16’s
    • Grant writing class next Tuesday
    • Cookies to gogo April 8th
    • Good vibes from partners
    • LUPE meeting went well
    • English lessons continue
  • 17’s
    • Accountability representatives
    • Mission Statement and email template revisions
    • New contacts:)  Leonard Shikololo in the north of Namibia

2). Pan-Periclean Updates

  • Handbook -> physical copy by induction (1st draft) but updated every year
  • Induction: Periclean of the year (will be announced at induction) Let Arcaro know as soon as it is decided.

3). Director Updates

  • Chiapas
    • can’t send anyone down without fac/staff leadership
    • Need a way to decide who goes on the trip if it happens.  We need a faculty/staff person to go
  • Search
    • Susie and Kelsey on search committee for assistant director
    • Ad goes out next Monday -> will proceed from there
  • Periclean Foundation
    • successor of Periclean alumni foundation (2012)
    • 12’s Franklin Project Initiative -> pathways of service for year after graduation
    • Have a Elon fellow for your class to continue your project?

4). Random Notes:

  • make sure to post your notes on the blog after each class meeting
  • make sure to categorize your notes and use headings and pictures!
  • Core 455: Start now to construct; needs to have deliverables
  • money for stoles comes from pan-periclean; think ahead for this
  • steering committee blog post in  Periclean Book
  • buttons at induction (perhaps “Peace, Love, Periclean” if we’re lucky)!!!





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Groups, Functionality, Tee-shirts and Other Things…

On Monday, we spent the first half of the class discussing what we had done last week while Carol was away. After giving her the 4-1-1, we picked the categories we would be working on for our midterm project. We started out with about 16 categories on the board including: politics, position within the international community, culture, environment, economy, education, history, human rights, etc. Realizing that the discussion over which topics to pick was taking longer than expected, Carol and the rest of the class decided that we needed to just take a vote on which 4 or 5 categories we would run with for the semester.

Our goal for Monday was to try and place everyone into a group so that we could have start working on the research component of our upcoming presentations. Luckily, we accomplished this goal and divided up into 5 groups.

This class got Ryan and I thinking about how we function as a group. Do we need to work on how well we work together? Is the way we make decisions the right way to go about it? Or should we be talking to Carol about a new way to make decisions in a quicker and more effective manner? Just some food for thought.

On Wednesday we had a Lumen Prize committee member, Dr. Lucinda Austin, and Sarah Vaughan, a Lumen prize winner, come to inform our class about the Lumen, a funded opportunity for students to conduct scholarly research.

We also discussed our Periclean tee shirt design again. We wanted to show Carol our design and confirm that it was “okay” with everyone. In addition to revisiting the tee shirt idea, we also revisited our discussion about the class structure.

Carol announced that in order to help speed up our class decision-making process, from now on we will be having half an hour timed discussions before the conversation is tabled. Carol also implemented the “rule” that once someone makes a point, they are not allowed to restate the same point until after everyone has spoken. Hopefully these two “rules” will help speed up our decision/ collaboration processes.

We then moved on to talk about the groups that we had set during Monday’s class period. As a class, we went over the basics of what each group would be researching and came to the conclusion that there would be some overlap amongst the groups.

After making sure that everyone approved each of the groups criteria, we took a class vote on who would be our Periclean Class speakers and began to spit ball ideas about our elevator video, which Oly and Cam will be the point people of. So, if anyone has any ideas/ comments make sure you notify them! Lastly, shout out to Devon for receiving the job at Smitty’s! We will definitely come see you!








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