Schools for Chiapas and the Class of 2008
The Class of 2008 choose Mexico as their country of focus (note: that was back at the beginning of the program when Classes choose both their country of interest and the issue(s) upon which to focus) and began their search for partners. Since many of the ’08’s were eduction majors the name “Schools for Chiapas” seemed a good fit as they searched the Internet and so they contacted the founder, Peter Brown. This initial, tentative contact back in 2006 led to what is now one of the longest and productive partnerships in Periclean Scholars history. By invitation from Schools for Chiapas a small Elon/Periclean Scholar film team traveled to Chiapas (southern Mexican state; one of the poorest regions of the country) in the winter of 2006 and then a Class travel experience was taken in December/January of 2007-08. This travel included eight members of the Class of 2008, Dr. Bird Stasz from Elon’s School of Education and Dr. Tom Arcaro, director.
Initial plans for work to rehabilitate a derelict school in the town of San Andres (near San Cristobal de las Casas) fell through because of political tensions, so the Class adapted and agreed to paint a new school in the small village of Suytic, not far from San Andres. After much discussion it was decided by the local Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) Junta that the school should be painted and that a mural would be done on the main outside walls of the school. Peter Brown was very familiar with the work of muralist Gustavo Chavez Pavon and Pavon had previously worked with the EZLN (otherwise referred to as the Zapatistas), but this was the first time Schools for Chiapas and Pavon had collaborated on a project.
Using video footage from both the first and second travel to Chiapas, Tesla Mellage, ’08, worked with her Class on a documentary called Painting Without Permission that focuses on the Periclean experience of working with Schools for Chiapas, the EZLN and the people of Suytic. Not inconsequentially, Suytic is the birthplace of one of the most respected leaders of the EZLN, Comandante Ramona (d. 2006), a woman small in stature but a giant in terms of vision and leadership. This documentary, after being thoroughly vetted by the EZLN, was mass produced and has been distributed throughout the United States and in Mexico and is still featured and available on the Schools for Chiapas web site.
The Periclean Foundation (formerly know as the Periclean Scholars Alumni Association, PSAA) has continuously supported Schools for Chiapas since 2008, making yearly donations to support their work in Chiapas.
The present
On May 2, 2014, José Luis Solís López now know as Compañero Galeano, a teacher, was killed defending a Zapatista autonomous school in Realidad, Chiapas, also know as Caracole 1, a home to the Zapatista movement. The response to this assassination by the EZLN was measured and gained wide international support. Tom Arcaro, Director, the Periclean Scholars at Elon University, and Kevin Trapani, founder and CEO of the Redwoods Group (which endowed the PSAA) are
among thousands of signers from around the globe to the “An Attack on Us All” campaign.
One outcome of this campaign was to raise funds to build a new -and bigger- school in Realidad in recent months. Schools for Chiapas has been asked to bring together muralist Pavon and his team to paint a spectacular mural on this newly completed school and to help organize art and activism workshops. Peter Brown has asked the Periclean Foundation for support on this project and, after corresponding with 2008 alums, is has been decided that the Periclean Foundation will make a meaningful contribution to support the purchase of paint and supplies to make the mural a reality.
Updates on this project will be presented in future blog posts here and on the Schools for Chiapas web site.