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Inclusive Classrooms

HandsIn the spirit of trying to aid faculty navigating issues related to diversity, CATL has developed an “Inclusive Classrooms” website. It provides faculty with an overview of some effective teaching practices and research related to college student learning and development. Visit the site.

In inclusive classrooms, all students feel supported to learn and explore ideas, safe to express their views in a civil manner, and respected as individuals and members of groups; they view themselves as people who “belong” in a community of learners. Inclusive classrooms support rigorous academic work and deep learning by all students.

The website also aims to help faculty members feel more prepared to handle those “hot moments” when controversy flares and student emotions run high. Individual pages include practical tips on day-to-day pedagogy, reports of student experiences, examples of what Elon faculty are doing, suggestions for those who want to design their courses with inclusiveness built in from the beginning, and resources for those who want to dig deeper. We welcome your feedback and contributions to this evolving site.

The new 2011-2012 evaluation form came out. You will notice a slight change on page 7:

Please note that the Individualized Development Plan for all supervisors for the next 12 months should include a specific objective related to the institution’s achievement of the Elon Commitment theme which addresses the university’s unprecedented commitment to diversity and global engagement. Supervisors need to explain specifically what they plan to do to help Elon achieve this goal of the Elon Commitment.

Even though you all are not supervisors, please consider including something in your development plan that relates to this objective or one of the Elon Commitment goals (http://www.elon.edu/e-web/administration/president/strategicplan2020/default.xhtml).

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