Study Time!

Worried about exams already?

No fear, I have some quick tips that will help you study more efficiently and effectively!

1. Study in chunks — No one is going to memorize 20 pages of notes in one sitting, so take breaks, go on a walk, get up and do a jive, or just talk to a study buddy. And in no time, that cumulative exam will be a piece of cake.

2. Have short term goals — Analyze how much you need to study and what you want to achieve in a short period of time, let’s say before a break. Once you accomplish one goal, you will find it easier to continue on.

3. Use the daylight hours — Though Club Belk is quite entertaining, with hide-and-go-seek happening on the third floor every now and again, it’s important to prioritize your day and make sure you allot some time to study!

4. Study actively — I found that taking notes in the margins helps me concentrate on the material and remember it better. You can also make up songs, create mnemonic devices, use note cards, and do dances to remember those pesky definitions.

5. Find the right place to study — Though Club Belk is tempting and seems like the right place to study because it is a library, it can sometimes be too crowded and loud even on the third floor! Take this time to explore campus and go into a building you never have before. Find a quiet room and spread out. If you’re clueless on where to look, try the academic pavilions, there are always rooms available!

6. Most importantly, START EARLY! — The earlier you get a start on your studying, the better off you will be. Don’t save studying for the night before, you’re bound to fail and no one wants that!

So follow these tips and you’ll be sure to have a successful week of exams and head off into a relaxed winter break knowing you were prepared.


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