I should first start off by saying that this was my favorite blog post reading and response thus far of the whole semester. Each story was so intriguing and captured my attention in ways that made me consider new ideas of thinking a creating.
My three favorite stories were “How to Become Famous”, “Mr. Vignilli’s Map” and “I Am a Plagiarist”.
From “How to Become Famous” I received great tips on being creative and standing out from my peers. This reading tells us to think outside of the box. Not only should your work be creative but so should the presentation of your work. I love the fact that the writer approaches fame through a network of professionals instead of using the term broadly and vaguely.
In the reading “Mr. Vignelli’s Map”, I was inspired by the creative complexity of the subway system. I lived in NYC for a part of 2012 and I can relate to the slight confusion and anxiety of the subway system. The reading forced me to look at older subway maps and compare the many designs to the current map. I am amazed at how readable the current map is in the midst of the crazy underground connections in NYC.
The final reading that I enjoyed most was “I Am A Plagiarist”. I feel that this reading illustrates a serious fear that many designers and artists have. First of all, this reading has me looking everywhere for a copy of ‘The History of Design” and secondly, It makes me question every piece of work that I have created. As a designer, I know that I am inspired by those designers that came before me and I often borrow techniques from them (line stokes, brushes, patterns) however, I find myself uneasy of the fact that I could have unintentionally copied someone else’s work.
Overall, this was a great blog post reading, I hope to find the actual manuscript to read all 79 stories.
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