Tufte meets iPhone

Ah, simplicity at it’s best (well almost).

I’m very familiar with Edward Tufte’s design principles and aesthetics after writing a literature review on information graphics. It was interesting to hear Tufte explain his initial response to a modern innovation. Before pressing play I was fairly certain he would like Apple’s sleek iPhone design. Tufte is a true minimalist and wants data to be represented as objectively as possible. He detests “chart junk” and believes aesthetics surrounding data should be neutral.

Using content as the interface is a great way to increase ease of use and maximize space. If more designers used this approach interfaces would become much more intuitive for first time users. It would also be easier to switch brands (Android /Apple/Windows) and have a smaller learning curve for effectively using new devices.

I was a little surprised he recommended making the weather section busier with an animated weather map. It seems like a distracting feature to add especially since most people aren’t trained meteorologists who can really understand what’s going on.

Tufte is a legend when it comes to information design. I don’t necessary agree with all of this principles but I do respect his clout. Much of the research I studied for my literature review suggests “chart junk” provides visual stimulation and can increase memorability. If the primary goal is to get the viewer to retain the information, added decoration can be an effective tool for reinforcing the content.

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