iPhone Design

Before even watching this quick five minute video on the iPhone interface I noticed how the video was from 2008, using the original iPhone.  My first thoughts were how could anything from the original iPhone be useful today, when they have the iPhone 5 and much never interface software.  I was quickly proven wrong about how useful this video could be to my thought process of visual design.

I was shown how the iPhone organizes so many functions and has an overall hierarchy of what’s important.  I was reminded of how hierarchy is important with our infographic design, but how it is important all throughout the visual design field.  I was shown how 1 page was able to hold so much functionality, and how it could be improved or modified.

The most important idea this video brought to the forefront of my mind was once again how basic design elements are universal and so important when designing any piece of technology, or anything visually appealing.  That no matter what is being designed; the basic fundamentals of this field will bring you far.

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