Artist Series

Sorry, forgot to post this.


These videos were very interesting to watch. I watched the musicians and the architect.  The musicians talked about their history and how they started creating music together. One of the guys says that he just sits at the piano and the keys are all wrong but he keeps going and eventually will get something he likes. The singer does something similar. He’ll listen to the band play and try to figure out lyrics that work well with it.  I thought this was funny because it seems likes its backwards from typical songwriting. He explains how he waits for the applied feeling and sees if he can come up with anything that’ll fit.


Cant be a cynic or a pessimist in architecture. I like that. The architect talks about how the building has to be liberating…liberating a thought, the mind, the way your heart beats. It can’t just be any building amongst other building.  This guy seems like he puts a lot of thought behind a building.  Not just about getting the building made and the more efficient way to build it, but the feeling and emotion and connection to it.

I guess behind every art, even architecture there’s meaning and emotion behind it.

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