The Story of Cosmetics

For this blog post, I decided to watch the Story of Cosmetics.  I have never heard of this website before and I was intrigued.  I really thought that the video was extremely informational and well produced (also a little scary, especially since I use Herbal Essences! Ekk!). I thought that it was a creative mix of cartoons and an actual person narrating the story.  While this concept can sometimes come off as cheesy, I think they did a really good job.  Even though the topics of these videos are big issues that affect our lives, the use of cartoons is actually welcomed.  I don’t think their intent is to scare people but rather inform the public.  So by using animated stick figures instead of menacing characters, the viewer can relate more.

What I thought was extremely cool was the interactive bar below the video. Screen shot 2013-09-29 at 2.02.55 PM

While the video progressed into different sections, the buttons would highlight  that section.  You could jump from section to section if you so desired. I think this is a cool way to make videos interactive.  This is also very smart of The Story of Stuff project so that people can come back to this video and it allows them to easily re-watch certain sections of the film instead of trying to blindly search for it.

Overall, I really enjoyed browsing this website and watching the video.  I think the website is a good blend of interactivity and sending a out a message that doesn’t get lost by cool features.

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