The Story of Stuff site is extremely provacative and effective in delivering it’s message. All content aside, the videos have a layout that is very inviting and when they combine animation behind the speaker makes it possible for her messages to be completely absorbed. The site as a whole is a perfect example of convergence in that they bring in video, print, audio, and pictures to impact the consumer.
Regarding the animation, it really works in putting the focus on the story content and away from the woman who attempts to make us all feel guilty like the pieces of crap she implies we are for being consumers. I can’t help but notice that she offers no data to support any of the claims or “facts” presented as well as offering no examples of how she herself addresses these issues in her own life, (possible hypocrisy?). How many plants and animals went extinct as a result of the synthetic chemicals, carbon output or corporate sponsorships involved in the making and distributing of their material.
The sites layout makes for an overall ease of navigation and access to all the information which serves to create a greater impact in the use of the convergence of media(s). They do a good job in designing icons for their navigation bars and help them to be very interactive. Having things look drawn and simplistic helps to reinforce their overall message that we all suck and our deaths will be terribly horrific and very soon at that.
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