Art matters

Yes, art matters.  Art allows for expression that sometimes words can not convey.  Art can make people question, ponder, wonder and explore what they believe.  While there are some pieces of art that make me go, “huh?” that same piece could be someone’s favorite piece.

For me, the most valuable lesson and toughest art theory for me to grasp is formalism.  Since I majored in English in college, it is pretty much fried into your brain from day one that every little thing has meaning.  Every comma, every period and every single word means something in novels.  So to come up against something where the form is what’s important and NOT the meaning was truly baffling.  However, I think principles from formalism will be really important to us, especially those going into graphic design.  How something is created needs to be scrutinized as much as the meaning.  Graphic designers really need to contemplate how they are going to create something for a client and they sometimes have to put their own thoughts away and focus on creating what the client wants.

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