What do I hope to learn in Visual Aesthetics? That’s a good question. In short, everything.
To be more specific, I was an audio technology major in undergrad. Although I was around “traditional art” students all the time, we hardly ever interacted. As a budding interactive media professional, it is my job not just to understand the one aspect of material that I am most comfortable with (in this case, audio), but all of it.
In class, I expect to learn how to critically analyze art and pieces of interactive media, so that I can learn what a well designed creation looks like. This way, I can learn from or emulate they style and apply it to my own work, hopefully making me a better interactive media professional.
I hope that by taking this course, the knowledge about visual aesthetics that I gain will help set me apart from those competitors in the field who just know how to operate the technical programs; I want to be able to Photoshop an image AND explain the different elements.
Plus, being able to throw out lots of names of famous architects and artists like Professor Motley does would be cool as well.
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