Category Archives: Artist Series

Artist Series

I watched the first video, Design Matters: Malcolm Gladwell.  I know they were talking about a book and the collaboration of people who worked together to tie images and words, however, I think the messages this video portrayed were far … Continue reading

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Artist Series

It was extremely interesting to hear these various artists discuss their careers and philosophies. I’m always intrigued to hear why someone does what they do:  what led them down a certain path, colleagues that influence them or helped mold their … Continue reading

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Artist Series

I originally thought that I would only watch a few of the Artist Series videos, but then I got sucked in to watching all of them. One of them I even watched twice.  I am so glad that we were … Continue reading

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Artist Series

These interviews were incredibly interesting. As someone who’s always written more than I’ve painted, I’ve struggled sometimes understanding design, art and the motives behind it all. What we’ve learned so far, plus what I saw in these interviews is really … Continue reading

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Artist Series

I thought the artist series videos were very interesting and it was good to hear from these different artists about their motivations and their way of thinking about art. The specific ones I really enjoyed were Mark Romanek, David Carson, … Continue reading

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Paula Scher – Artist Series

I enjoyed Paula Scher’s interview in the movie Helvetica, so I decided to watch her artist series clip.  I don’t know what it is about her, but I just enjoy listening to her talk about her career; I just feel … Continue reading

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Indulgent and Intuitive

For the artist series, I watched a couple of the videos. I first looked at David Carson, because after watching Helvetica I was pretty intrigued by his ideas. After hearing what he said in this video, I definitely enjoy his … Continue reading

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Artist Series

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the Artist Series videos. Being able to tap into the mind of various designers and artists was really inspirational and fascinating. Observing the collaboration between an author, illustrator and designer was so interesting. The care … Continue reading

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Artist Series

I want to be inside the head of David Carson for a day. Or maybe Paula Scher. Or to get really crazy, I would say Stefan Sagmeister. However, since I can’t get in their heads, I’ll simply have to settle … Continue reading

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Stefan Sagmeister

“Helping other people helps me. Having guts always works out for me. Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid; I have to live now. Starting a charity is surprisingly easy. Being not truthful always works against me. … Continue reading

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