Category Archives: Class of 2010: Ghana

Alumna’s Campus Visit Prompts Mini Reunion

A visit to NC from GA by one of our members, Alison Brooks (’10), prompted a mini reunion for our Ghana class. On February 17, 2014 seven of us enjoyed dinner at Dan Thai restaurant on South Church Street in Burlington. Dan Thai was selected because for years our class held profit-sharing events there, often on Reading Day at the semester’s end. In addition to catching up and Founding Members from the 2010 graduating class current on campus members, the group discussed ongoing projects in Ghana (a Health Center complex in Kpoeta and a kindergarten in Sokode) and in the USA (scholarships for US college students with high need).

Alison is completing a Master’s in Public Health at Emory University for which she is conducting research on trachoma (an eye disease) in Tanzania using GIS computer mapping programs. While at Elon, in addition to being a Ghana Periclean Scholar, Alison was a Watson Scholar, studied in Ghana for a semester and spent a summer on an NIH Fellowship studying water quality issues in Tanzania. In addition to speaking with Ghana class adviser Dr. Frontani’s Africa seminar (GST 404) students about her research and the importance of not having a ‘single story’ when it comes to Africa, Alison gave a presentation on leadership to approximately a dozen Global Experience (GST 110) faculty.

The Ghana class hopes to host another mini reunion meal with current and alumni members in the coming months, before several class members graduate in May.

Dan Thai group (Cara taking photo) Bryce & Jordan T Kaitlin, Sara, Cara, Alison

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The Kpoeta Health Center: A Truly Sustainable Project

A few weeks ago our class learned that the Government of Ghana will post a midwife to the Health Center the Ghana Pericleans built in partnership with the people of Kpoeta, Ghana between April 2007 and January 2009. The midwife’s addition, in December 2013, will bring the Health Center’s full-time government-paid staff to four (two nurses, one staff member, and a midwife).

Health Center on Opening Day, Jan. 9, 2009

Health Center on Opening Day, Jan. 9, 2009

Ghana Pericleans and Nurses at Health Center

Ghana Pericleans and Nurses at Health Center, Jan. 2010

At the time of our 29 Founding Ghana Periclean Member’s graduation in May 2010, a basic Health Center was in place which the class had funded and the community and hired specialists (electricians, roofers, and plumbers) had built. By September 2011, Ghana’s Ministry of Health officially brought the facility into its network of Health Centers, which led to several benefits including: regular deliveries of basic medical supplies to the Health Center’s small dispensary and the ability of patients to use their National Health Insurance cards at the Health Center.

Ceremony for the Health Center's Entry into the National System, Sept. 2011

Ceremony for the Health Center’s Entry into the National System, Sept. 2011

Today, the Health Center Complex serves as the primary care facility for basic care for more than 10,000 people living in several small remote hamlets and villages in the vicinity of Kpoeta, which is located near the Ghana-Togo border. Thanks to the ongoing support of our Founding Members, 14 younger Ghana Periclean Scholars from the classes of 2012-16, and other supporters in the USA and Ghana, the Health Center serves an average of 125 people each week and forms one end of an L-shaped Health Center Complex of three buildings that were all built via a Ghana Periclean—Community of Kpoeta partnership. The other two buildings include a nurses’ housing block with two 2-bedroom apartments completed in late 2011 and a second housing block with two 1-bedroom apartments that is nearing completion.

First Nurses Houses Block, Jan. 2012

First Nurses Houses Block, Jan. 2012

Newest Housing Block Nearing Completion, Oct. 2013
Newest Housing Block Nearing Completion, Oct. 2013
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Kelly Parshall, Class of 2010, gives an update from Vanuatu


Kelly Parshall, Class of 2010, gives an update from Vanuatu in her role as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Hello! Here is my long-awaited update from Vanuatu:

I’m currently working as a Community Health Facilitator in Vanuatu, a
small island nation in the South Pacific (I’d never heard of it before
I was posted there either.) I live on Paama, a tiny 3×5 mile island in
central Vanuatu, in an isolated village of about 200 people called
Lulep. Paama Island has no electricity, water sources, roads, cars,
internet, or much of anything, really. I work at an aid post, which is
the lowest form of health care available in the country. PCVs aren’t
allowed to perform any clinical activities, so much of my work is
health education and prevention. My local counterpart is the village
health worker and midwife of the village, Lika.  Our initiatives so
far include: a new mama’s group, a water and sanitation workshop, soap
making demonstrations, adolescent reproductive health workshop and
HIV/STI awarenesses. As far as physical projects go, we are in the
midst of trying to attain funding for VIP (ventilated improved pit)
toilets. I also teach an English class at the school to grades 5-6
every morning. Coping with the isolation of living on an island with
no friends, internet or reliable cell phone service has been tough,
but this year has been one of immense personal growth. As strange as
it is, the island has become home to me and I look forward to a more
comfortable, productive second year of service.

I only get the (unbearably slow) internet every 2-3 months when I come
into the capital city, so I can be rather elusive. You can write me

Kelly/Leitas (custom name)
Peace Corps Volunteer
Lulep Village
Paama Island
Vanuatu, South Pacific

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of a new year at Elon and look
forward to seeing what you and the Pericleans accomplish!



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Note From a Dormant Periclean

Dear Fellow 2010’s and All Pericleans,

It is incredible to read Dr. Frontani’s class update emails and hear about the great things you all are up to. You all continue to amaze and inspire me with all you’re doing! Wishing you huge congratulations on all your accomplishments and only wish we were together to celebrate these milestones.

While I regret how little I’ve been involved in our partnership in the past couple years, you and our Ghanaian partners are never far from my mind. As I’m sure you all feel too – my underlying commitment has not waned. If anything, my desire to be engaged has swelled. I realize that we’re all in the middle of a critical stage in our personal lives – navigating through graduate school, relationships, establishing careers, the list of life changes goes on! But being part of this partnership is a huge part of who I am and I know I will re-engage soon. For me anyway, I have a few things I need to take care of personally before I’ll be able to devote myself to our initiatives again. And so I’ll consider myself a dormant Periclean with plenty of excitement bubbling beneath the surface and ready to explode with activity again soon.

This is more than a hope and a promise; it is my personal pledge – my Periclean Pledge.

I look forward to collaborating with you soon, but for now please forgive me for dropping off the radar. I am working hard so that I’ll have more to bring to the table on our future projects and am excited for that day to come (December 2014 – my graduation date).

Until then, I will try to contribute to this blog and will certainly continue to follow the class and project updates! Wishing you all the best and let me know whether you’re ever in DC. Would love to meet up or even host you at my place – it’s an open invitation!

Kristin S.

PS – I finally got to visit the clinic in January 🙂 My next post will tell you more about that experience!

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Greetings from Dr. Arcaro’s Office

Sara and KatieKatie and Sara P visit Elon!

We got to hang out with some other Pericleans and Dr. Arcaro.  On Saturday, we went to Pandora’s Pies with five current 2010 members.  There are a lot of changes, but we are happy to report that Smitty’s is now on campus.  Our on-campus Pericleans are carrying on the


legacy, and we were excited to hear what they are up to!  We discussed methods to further strengthen relations between current and alum Pericleans.  For example, Sara and Cara are talking about how to connect Elon’s Sierra Club to Sara’s 6th grade science class at Turrentine middle school.  We discussed post-grad life as well as happenings around Elon.

Here is a picture for our pan-Periclean event starting left with Will (’13), Sara (’10), Katie (’10), Cara (’14), Emily (’15), David (’16), and Jordan (’14) kneeling.  David may look familiar as he is brothers with fellow Periclean, Dan, a 2012 alum.

Also, look forward to our book reviews of Toxic Charity and That the World May Know.  Toxic Charity (common reading for the Class of 2013) focuses on faith based charities and its impact on those they seek to help.  That the
World May Know is a discourse on the ethics surrounding aid of genocide victims.

Best wishes~

Katie & Sara

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Must. Read. Now.

Kristine Silvestri is studying in Edinburgh. Picture: Greg Macvean

Kristine Silvestri in today’s Scotsman talks about her experiences with malaria.

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Class of 2010: Ghana

Class of 2010

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