
I’m confused. No video to watch? No visuals to analyze? Not artists to read about or font to look at or movie sequences that blow my mind to view? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE ABOUT? I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF.

OK, now that I got that out of my system, onto the serious stuff. Like I’m sure everyone else will say in their post, I have learned plenty in the class. The importance and impact font choice makes on a project. How to make motion graphics – which may be one of my new favorite past times.  New ways to look at design and layout. At least 10 other things that I cannot think of right now.  Oh, and just how often we overlook design and visual aesthetics in our everyday lives. It is the beauty and the curse of being a communications major – you notice tiny things in movies and commercials that no one else does. Then, when you want to talk with someone about that amazing graphic or font choice or camera movement you just saw, they are not many people to fully appreciate that moment with you.

I feel as if all my design strategies have been effected in one way or another in this class, which will hopefully give me a new and unique perspective on it and give myself a leg up when graduate come May. Hearing the critiques from everyone, from Motley to every classmate, was invaluable and helped me grow as a designer. Getting live critiques like we did really helped open my eyes to a few things I would have never noticed otherwise.

It has been an honor and a pleasure. There is no better way to end this blog post than that.


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