City Slickers, 30 Days of Night, Beauty is Embarassing, North By Northwest

While growing up, one of my favorite movies was City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold.  I don’t remember too much about the plot, but I do remember it being one of my favorites.  However, I can remember the opening title sequence perfectly and it was great to relive it on I think it is why I loved the movie so much.  First of all, the title sequence is an animation while the movie is a film with actors.  The animation features non-stop bits of comedy and gags.  The main character of the title sequence is a cowboy who just can’t catch a break.  While the cowboy only makes incoherent sound, it sounds like he is voiced by Billy Crystal, who also has a rough time in the movie.  The intro just feels like a separate movie; it could stand alone and be successful.  Anyway, the title sequence is effective at getting its audience into a comedic mood.

The title sequence for 30 Days of Night is just as creepy as the movie.  I have only seen the movie once, but I do remember it being a horror thriller.  The title sequence utilizes both footage filmed in a studio and still photography.  The stage is mostly black with the occasional shadow bouncing off whatever is in focus.  This echoes the movie since the setting of the movie involves a town that is in complete darkness for 30 days.  Grit, dust, blood, etc are also used throughout the frames.  Creepy music that puts you on edge guides the sequence.  I think it is effective at putting its audience in the mood for a creepy horror film. It definitely just gave me goosebumps.

And now for a movie I’ve never seen before:

I was looking for titles that I have seen before, but darn if Beauty is Embarrassing didn’t just catch my eye.  The entire sequence looks like a big convergence of media.  First of all, the sequence begins with the iconic old movie type thing where the film negatives are shown on the screen for a few seconds.  So right away, that puts me in the mood for an old film or a home movie.  But then you’re shown some magnificent faux-paper cutout stuff in motion.  I mean it really looks like a lot of it was made with paper, but it is clearly animated and sometimes 3D models are shown.  Occasionally, a realistic red curtain is used as a cut, which is also very cool. The whole thing is just really quirky, especially with the music you’d expect to hear on a hayride themed ride, but I am not sure if it is effective.  I really have no idea what type of movie Beauty is Embarrassing is.  Except that the film might be quirky.

Although this movie wasn’t on the list, I really like the title sequence of North By Northwest.  At first, it is just some simple typography on a slanted grid.  But eventually the grid fades to the grid of windows on a skyscraper.  The typography continues to scroll over the building’s grid.  It is pretty simple, yet genius; especially for 1959.

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