Broadcast Designers

Troika Design Group are very accomplished and just a phenomenal organization, with an outstanding demo reel.  I had seen much of there work throughout my TV watching life, without even realizing it.  I was surprised to find out that this design group did so much when it came to network branding.  I had always thought about branding on a show to show level, and never on the network level, but my ignorance of the subject allowed me to learn a lot when viewing this video.

Troika’s work was visually stunning, and made in a teamwork oriented environment with each person putting there effort in where needed.  I never realized the amount of “layers” of collborative work put together to create something on this scale.  Millions of dollars go into TV networks, so the pressure is on with a group like Troika, but they seem to rise to the challenges.  They have a high level of demand, but even higher level of reward when viewing final productions.  This video, made me think of the phrase “team work, makes the dream work” because this small design group accomplishes extraordinary things, with teamwork and collaboration.

This video was also very clear, and understanding. There message and how Troika goes about getting the job done was split up into different video sections which made watching them more enjoyable.  I knew exactly what I was going to be learning about in each section based upon the title, and instead of it feeling like an hour video it felt like quick snippets of valuable information.

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