iPhone interface design

When I watched this, it was funny because besides seeing the SMS icon (instead of the bubble icon) of the text message button, I didn’t originally notice a difference in the old interface and the new(!). I guess it’s because 1) I hate the new OS and 2) I’ve only had the new OS (and thus the new interface) for only a few weeks so I’ve forgotten it’s changed.

It’s cool to think how far the iPhone has come and how the design has changed. For better or worse, it definitely has maintained a streamlined look. I thought it was interesting how Tufte said the stocks page looks like a Powerpoint presentation – zebra stripes and not much information, but I think that’s the charm of the iPhone. It’s simple, clean and understandable. I liked how he described the graphics for the weather as “beautiful,” since sure, they’re nice, but we’re so used to them we probably don’t think of them as extraordinary.

He also makes a good point saying “the content is the interface.” That’s what’s so great about the iPhone. For the most part, you’re not bogged down with confusing information and complicated graphics. Besides the interface of the new OS, which is slow, trippy and a little cartoony, I love the iPhone and probably will always be an Apple fan.

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