Data Visualization

At the risk of appearing to have no basis or general platform/philosophy on issues, I am once again going to bring up the idea that I like data visualization in regards to journalism and that I do not. My eyes are always drawn to the graphics, but I typically give charts, tables, etc., less time to grab my attention than anything presented in a word format. If they are too busy, too much information and not enough explanation of how it’s going to be used, then I typically do not want any part of it. If the purpose of a graphic is left too open ended, I am usually not interested. I like direction – at least to an extent.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, graphics such as the plane example seen in the video we watched Wednesday, I see great use in them. Words can’t illustrate that picture, and the information greatly enhances the story.

If done right, data visualization can be great. If not done correctly, my attention can be lost quickly.

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