
If I’m being honest, I’m probably more excited for this class than the rest (Although it is only the second day, so what do I really know?). Graphic design is the only area that I have some experience with before coming into this program. However, I’m not going to get ahead of myself because the only experience have is primarily self-taught and for an athletic department that cared more for accurate content then aesthetics. I’m really excited to expand my skills in design and really explore how art and design can be connected. Before I decided to pursue Communication for my undergrad, I spent a year in Textile Brand Management. At this time I would love to be a web content manager for an online fashion magazine. Something like this! However, I know I need to learn how to do things like motion typography and infrographics before I can get there. I visit Abduzeedo daily to see what others are doing on the web. One day, I’d like to have a crazy cool website like, this guy. And of course, be able to do the same for whoever I’m working for. Overall, I’m very excited for the crazy road ahead and all the tools I will be learning along the way.

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