In Visual Aesthetics I hope to learn a lot. I have always wanted to take a visual aesthetics class, and I am very excited to start! I come from no background in graphics design or any design of that matter. In high school I fell in love with photography and dipped a little into Photoshop. At that time no one told me that I could continue on with this and make a career out of it. I am a very visual person and I love playing with colors and tinkering with layouts. I should have gone into this field as an undergrad but I am so happy I am finally in it now. I also hope to learn more about what things appeal to different peoples eyes. I love the idea of learning where to place things and what looks good where on a website. My dream job would be to design websites, and ads for people. I could spend all day sitting in front of a computer designing a website. This idea to me seems thrilling and exciting. I believe this class will really help me with this future goal. In order to design websites you have to have a large background in visual aesthetics because that is what you are appealing to basically. When someone goes on your site the first thing they see is the visual aesthetics of the website. Since I am such a visual person this class sounds like it will be right up my alley. I am very excited to start this class!
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