Elon Periclean Scholars

Our question to answer…

Are we going about things in the right way….?  I think so, but read this…

I began collaborating with J about a year ago after I read one of his books “(Missionary, Mercenary, Mystic, Misfit”) and posted a note about it on Facebook.  Katie Swift (nee Strickland, Class of 2010) messaged me saying she might know the mysterious ‘J’ and, long story short, he and I are collaborating (along with Dr. Youssef Osman) on a screenplay about the lives of humanitarian aid workers and also on some research into aid and development workers around the world.  I was a beta reader for J’s  latest book “Letters I Have Written Never Meaning to Send” and poured through it always for an eye toward assessing and making our Periclean Scholars program better.  Although we do have the Periclean Pledge that I remain proud of, I am on a constant quest to always deepen and improve what we do.  In that spirit, read the below and let me know what you think.  Finally, I strongly recommend that all Pericleans (current and alumni) read J’s books linked above.


 Some time ago, on the steps of a dusty teamhouse in a foreign country that had just been slammed by a huge disaster, I sat and listened to a young woman with tears in her voice wonder aloud whether it had been a mistake to come. She was educated, articulate, and obviously intelligent. She’d put in a few years at HQ, worked her way up through the programs department supporting a small portfolio of small-ish programs in the field. She’d been to a few places, and while she was not the kind of battle-scarred aid worker that you often meet in responses like511pb1nwLYL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_ that one, neither was she a totally inexperienced first-timer.

I remember very clearly what she said (of disaster response work): “I’ve wanted this for so long… and now I’m here… and it’s just so hard.”

She was right. Aid work is hard. Often in ways you don’t expect. And it’s not for everyone.

* * *

 I understand that many people have a very intense need to believe that they can, without special training or any specific knowledge, without guidance or experience of any kind, go and do aid, do disaster relief, do development. Although few express it in these terms, they basically believe that what qualifies them is simply their desire to “make the world a better place.”

It’s an illogical perspective when you think about it. I mean, there are plenty of analogous real-world examples of situations where desire—even desire coupled with intense passion—counts for very little. Those who want to play professional basketball, learn very soon that while desire and relentless pursuit are naturally part of it, their actual performance on the court is what matters to scouts and recruiters. The music industry is similarly brutally honest about who “has it” and who doesn’t. And the same applies to most any career or professional endeavor. Coffee shops are full of baristas who didn’t quite pass the bar exam, high schools across America are full of P.E. teachers who didn’t make the NFL draft, and the $1.99 bin at Walmart is full of CD by bands who thought they rocked, but as it turns out, didn’t. Any career or life path or vocation requires dedication at some level, requires the possession of specific knowledge, and requires the mastery of certain skills. In the United States, at least, if someone wants to be a junior accountant in an even marginally reputable company, he or she needs to have an accounting degree.

And yet, I am repeatedly amazed at how irate, indignant, self-righteous, and self-victimizing many people become at the suggestion that exactly the same should apply in the humanitarian aid world. Frankly, I am astounded at the amount of pushback on the suggestion that a Masters Degree should be a minimum for aid practitioners. Otherwise logical, intelligent people—people who would probably agree without hesitation that physicians need to have specific education and pass some kind of minimum-standards certification before they are allowed to diagnose and treat even one single patient—seem to think that it’s okay to blithely go off and start an NGO or project in some poor community in a developing country where they then spend the next months or years sort of trial-and-error-ing their way through people’s lives.

Such a perspective, in my view, can really only come from either stunning naïveté or bald arrogance.

Harsh? I don’t think so.

In my experience, the vast majority of the time these people simply do not want to hear that perhaps they should do/have done things differently, or that—very frankly—the world does not need yet another small start-up NGO. Most of the time, the very best case scenario is that after a few years they may eventually come around to learning exactly the same lessons that the so-called establishment has known for decades. Lessons like: you can’t exist without overhead (even if you don’t call it overhead); accountability costs money and requires organizational bandwidth; Or, knowing when to remove your shoes, which parts of your body to cover, or being able to stutter a few phrases in the local language are not at all the same thing as being able to work effectively in the local context.

Aid and development are harder than they look. They need to be done by professionals.

* * *

 I Skype-chatted with the young woman from the teamhouse just the other day. I know that that response was hard on her, but she did stick it out. She’s doing great now. From what I hear, she’s in another country with a high-profile disaster response going on, doing her job confidently and well. Her education and experience matter, and despite a few dark days, she has not lost her passion.

Good for that country. I know for a fact they’ve got at least one good program officer.


Posted in Director -Tom Arcaro, Partners-All Classes | Comments Off on Our question to answer…

Class Updates Week of 3/4/14

Important Announcements:

  •  Anna Silvia: Elon student, from Honduras
  • Plans to establish subcommittees of special events committee to organize a Periclean in-residence.

Partners/programs to keep in our back pocket for future projects:

  • Cargill (potential to return?)
  • Vos que haras por Honduras: future sponsor for a project we choose
  • Pen Pals in Honduras (focus on keeping contact with boys in H4HC this semester)
  • Sky lanterns (fall fundraiser?)
  • Morgan’s contacts (future partner potentials)
  • Water access
  • Youth development programs
  • Tegu (consider for summit)
  • Microfinance and Kiva: lending $100 from job expo to Kiva initiatives
  • Students Helping Honduras: organization on campus to promote sustainability of our project.

Focus Decision

  • Community development with H4HC? Sustainable and feasible to travel there for our project
  • Raise $1300 for English classes for boys in transition home.
Posted in Class of 2016: Honduras | Comments Off on Class Updates Week of 3/4/14

April 8th

Submitted by: Renna Durham and Drew Dimos

Absent: Meredith Berk, Isabel Sackner-Bernstein, Dawson Nicholson, Lauryl Fischer

(Kerianne Durkin will be 10 minutes late due to a meeting. Lauryl Fischer, Dawson Nicholson and Isabel Sackner-Bernstein will miss most, if not all, of class due to a mandatory study abroad meeting. Jenna Mason may be absent due to a family emergency)


1. Last Minute Planning for Induction Ceremony: 20 Min

Jenna Mason, Lexie Melanson, Anna deDufour

**Jenna Mason needs help/a replacement to help set up on Thursday because she has to go get x-rays for her chest post pneumonia


Induction Ceremony

Location Oaks 212

Time: 5-7



Introduction and Main Program

  • Steve Braye- introduction speech and quick overview of the ceremony

  • Class speakers: 2016 (Arianna and Caley), 2015 (Bud Warner needs to announce them/get back to me), 2014 (Ethan Smith)

  • Tom Arcaro: Skype speech from Costa Rica

  • Carol Smith speech (new advisor)


  • Everyone will have a seat at a table, dinner is buffet style, called to eat by table

  • Multimedia videos and such will be playing in background with Namibian music

  • Games will be placed on the tables as an ice breaker


  • Official thanks to everyone who helped out

  • Presentation of the Periclean Award of the Year (Ross Mcfarland will present it)

  • Mentor Mentee reveal! (Puzzle Pieces)

Completed Tasks

  • Event set up sheet already filled out we have 2 trashcans, 8 round tables (8 chairs each) 4 large tables, 90 lecture chairs, 1 podium, 2 table cloths, 8 round table cloths as well as flowers (table decorations)

  • Email invitations sent out to all classes including inductees

  • Catherine Parsons contacted and will be in charge of formatting and printing the program

    • She will print out 17 card stock Periclean emblems for mentor mentee puzzles

    • She will send out the names of all of the people who have RSVPed

  • Budget has been found we have $300-500 for food etc

  • An inventory of Periclean room 209 has been taken

    • Two packs of 2000 pens

    • Three boxes of mugs (36 per box)

    • 6 table cloths

    • 40+ namibian Cds

    • 40+ Periclean Pins

  • All guest speakers have been contacted and they have emailed back a outline of their speech

  • Planed out where to order/ get food: Food will come from Sal’s this is the breakdown of the cost:

    • 4 trays of pasta x $50 (serving size 24 per tray)= $200

    • 4 trays of salad x$30 = $120

    • 16 dozen bread sticks x $3.50= $56

    • Total= $376

  • New class books have been ordered and will be given as gifts “Soul of a Citizen: Living with conviction in challenging times” By P.R Lobe

  • Mentor Mentee ceremony has been planned and outlined


Tasks needing to be Completed

  • Prepare/ plan seating arrangements

  • Print out programs, nametags, and table numbers

  • Purchase utensils (the plastic utensils that look metallic)

  • Compile RSVP list

  • Compose multimedia presentation and Namibian music and inductee biographies

  • Find a  Periclean to record event

  • Set up on April 12th

  • Mentor Mentee big reveal puzzles + Gifts


People who can’t come to the induction:

  • Other people act as a temporary mentor for mentees (for puzzle activity)


2. Skype with Morgan’s contact, Maggie Ducayet: 30 min

  • Earned a 25,000 grant to do outreach in a third world country–they chose Honduras

    • 50 People went down to a small town near the border of Guatemala (9 years ago)

    • Worked with dentists and doctors

    • Brought clothing and food, Maggie noticed that this wasn’t the best way to create sustainability. She noticed that the town was dependent on these mission trips.

  • After her first trip, she went back numerous times taking a different approach to helping

    • Mission to make a difference

    • Worked in the central town of Sula, then moved to a more isolated villages

    • Now there is a clinic that they work out of with the goal of working on/ teaching about education and health

    • Trained interested villagers to become “first responders” for health issues that rise in individuals in the villages.

      • Taught BP, Heart Rate, given all the supplies to complete their tasks, unpaid

    • Goal to have people in the villages take responsibility for themselves/ their health

    • Had many projects focused on things including getting school supplies for schools/teachers, building a school, and a water project–all focused on self-sustainability.

  • Are her mission trips religious?

    • Wants to be the hands and feet of God, but to not make it obvious

  • Her most successful strategies to fundraising

    • Cowboy Ball– band, auctions, etc. [realized it was hard to people to volunteer to help run the ball/ it was a lot of work]

    • Capital Campaign– writing fundraising letter/newsletter letters with personal notes [have raised 2x as much money]

    • Bake sale and Jewelry sale for summer vacationers

  • Working on a grant proposal for Scholarships

  • Most people going on these trips will help build

    • No need to know spanish

    • One week

  • Coffee crisis

    • fungus that has ruined most crops

  • Large groups overwhelm villagers

  • Never promise anything that you know you can’t fulfill

  • summitinhonduras.org


3. Finish up Cards and Cut outs for Induction


5. Announcements and discussion: 5 min. (Moved to the end to give different people a chance to be involved at different levels during the class since there are some who have to come or go early. If we don’t get to the discussions, we can do them on Moodle.)

  1. Charlotte Best has decided to drop the class and the program due to too many other obligations. (April)

  2. A $1200 Fund for Excellence Grant was submitted by Christine Harris and Erin Lanzotti to pay for the English classes for the transition home boys last Friday. (April)

  3. Hogares Sanos plans (Casey).

  4. Class retreat is ________________________________. (Libby/Christine)

  5. C2GG campaign is _____________________________. (Erin Lanzotti)


6. Announcements and discussion: 5 min. (Moved to the end to give different people a chance to be involved at different levels during the class since there are some who have to come or go early. If we don’t get to the discussions, we can do them on Moodle.)

  1. Charlotte Best has decided to drop the class and the program due to too many other obligations. (April)

  2. A $1200 Fund for Excellence Grant was submitted by Christine Harris and Erin Lanzotti to pay for the English classes for the transition home boys last Friday. (April)

  3. Hogares Sanos plans (Casey).

  4. Class retreat is ________________________________. (Libby/Christine)

  5. C2GG campaign is _____________________________. (Erin Lanzotti)

7.Next Class

    2 KGB’s that are left- 30mins

    Committees- 40 mins

    Periclean-in-Residence- 15-20mins

    Announcements- 10-15mins


    Cookies to go go is happening next Wednesday 16th

    Everyone sign up for a 2hr shift

    If you can’t attend please provide reason

Posted in Class of 2016: Honduras, Partners-All Classes | Comments Off on April 8th

Induction Ceremony

On April 10th, 2014 the Namibia class of 2017  was warmly welcomed into the Periclean Scholars. Organized by the Honduras class of 2016, representatives from 2014, and 2015, as well as advisers, and several guests  attended to show their support for the fledgling scholars.DSC_0162

The ceremony was held in Oaks 212 and energy was high as the audience anticipated the induction of the new class. The evening began with an introduction by Steve Braye and Aidan Dyer and then was followed by speakers Arianna Brown and Caley Mikesell. Arianna and Caley emphasized accountability, patience, and teamwork, while foraging lifelong connections while honing their interpersonal, technical, and professional skills.

Class of 2015 speakers Elania Vermeulen and Cat Palmer were next to praise the new class. They had the audience breaking out laughing with the their stories from the past year, all centered around the idea that failure will be expected but perseverance will produce the best results.

Ethan Smith from the class of 2014 was the last of the student speakers for the evening. The Periclean scholars, Ethan said, acted as a family to him, and helped him through the roughest times in his life. Smith stressed that the Periclean organization will be more then a group of academics looking to help others, as they will become  friends, companions, and teachers during the time at Elon and beyond.

While Tom Acaro was next on the programming to speak, due to technology complications he was unable to connect with the ceremony, instead Steve Braye spoke in his place and introduced Dr. Acaro to the new class. Following Braye, the main speaker of the night, the future 2017 adviser, Carol Smith began by welcoming the new class and introducing herself. She then spoke on about the new class, as all of them had been individuals she believed would work well together, and introduced ones she knew personally. She then challenged the room with  a mind exercise, requesting that the audience compete a series of mental calculations, then converted into the alphabet, colors, and finally animals, until almost everyone in the room imagined a orange kangaroo from Denmark, which was met with amusement and curiosity. Dr. Smith expressed her excitement and anticipation for getting to know each new member and for sharing future experiences. The class of 2017, according to Carol, would be challenged more then they ever had, but with dedication and tenacity, would reap rewards and lessons that would be valuable for the rest of their lives.

Newly Inducted Namibia Class of 2017

Newly Inducted Namibia Class of 2017

The inductees were then individually introduced and received a Periclean pin. Once the pinning ceremony was compete, a delicious buffet style dinner of pasta, salad and garlic bread was provided, complete with games and Periclean facts. The night was concluded by a speech on Periclean’s roots and heritage and a presentation of the Periclean of the Year award by Bud Warner. Finally the new students of 2017 were paired with mentors from the class of 2016 by matching puzzle pieces.

The newly inducted class of 2017 left with smiles on their faces as they looked forward to the challenging but bright path before them.


Students from the Class of 2017 pose before dinner


Aidan Dyer Commences the Induction Ceremony



Posted in Class of 2016: Honduras, Class of 2017-Namibia, Director -Tom Arcaro, Events, Friends of Periclean Scholars, News | Comments Off on Induction Ceremony

The Most Interesting Man in the World hangs with Chas Smith, ’11

Just sayin’

Chas Smith, Periclean Scholar Class of 2011, continuing to create meaningful partnerships toward to the goal of making the world a better place for all.

Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 5.07.21 AM

Posted in Class of 2011: Sri Lanka, Director -Tom Arcaro | Comments Off on The Most Interesting Man in the World hangs with Chas Smith, ’11

Class of 2014 on E-Net

The Class of 2014 on the move

Read this article for news on the partnership efforts of the Class of 2014.

From their Indiegogo site:

Who we are?

We are the Periclean Scholars Class of 2014, a group of students from Elon University committed to sustainable progress in Central Appalachia, an area dominated by poverty and the divisiveness of coal politics.

Three years ago, we partnered with the Boone-Raleigh Community Center in Whitesville, West Virginia to provide a space for open dialogue and discussion about community issues, youth programming, and the preservation of Appalachian heritage and history.

We have committed to the development of the center’s programs through frequent volunteer trips, fundraising efforts, and tangible initiatives such as the construction of a children’s library, equipped with more than 500 books and other educational resources.

Why we need your help?

Prior to graduation, we hope to help purchase the building and support the sustainbility of the center, whose mission is to promote unity and hope by providing both a common space and shared resources for present and future generations.

Since its opening in late 2009, the Boone-Raleigh Community Center has focused on community development through programs and initiatives designed to bring people together, regardless of political or environmental views. Their work includes the following:

  • Weekly community meals
  • Community potluck dinners
  • Locally grown produce through provision of individual raised-garden beds
  • Better Living Workshops
  • Christmas Toy Giveaway
  • Support for substance abuse
  • Space for local entrepreneurs and artisans to sell goods
  • Annual Apple Butter Festival
  • Annual Kid’s Day
  • Holiday parties (Easter, Halloween, Christmas)

Any donation is greatly appreciated and 100% will go directly towards the Boone-Raleigh Community Center, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit.Thank you for supporting us!


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Update from Class of 2012: India

2012 Class update

[These two messages, first by 2012 Mentor Dr. Marin Kamela and the second by Annie Huth, ’12, the inaugural  Periclan Fellow at CRHP, were a Class email I thought necessary to share with the entire Periclean family.  Dr. Kamela is spending a full year sabbatical in India at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP) the main partner of the Class of 2012.]

Hello everyone,

I hope all of you are doing well and are not too bogged down with the
chilly winter this year. Jamkhed is switching into the summer, with warmer
days occasionally more frequent. It’s a bit windy and dry and dusty, andDSC_0121
it will probably stay that way until June/July when the rains hopefully

In this update you can read about: 1) Elon Fellow 2) Periclean Foundation
3) CRS-NGO Summit III 4) Science Center.

1. Exciting news: Cameron Hawkins has accepted the offer to be the
2014-2015 Elon Fellow at CRHP. Cameron is a Biology Major. She had spent
time in Honduras on global medical, dental, and public health brigades,
she has undergraduate research experience in Biology and in Religion, and,
she had spent a semester in India. Cameron’s email is chawkins6@me.com so
you may want to send her a congratulatory note!

2. Another piece of good news is that the Periclean Foundation has a
paypal account. This will make on-line donations easy, and you can set up
a regular monthly donation as well. I would like to challenge all of you
to join me in setting up a recurring monthly donation. $50/person/month
would cover the full cost of the fellowship if everyone in class is able
to chip in. I realize you’re starting out after college, and/or are
continuing your studies, so if you can afford $50/month that will be
great, but if you can’t, any contribution will be very much appreciated
and useful.

Here’s the link to the PayPal account:
The Foundation will generate tax receipts for you.

3. CRHP-STAPI-ELON are partnering up again to run a CRS-NGO conference in
late June 2014. This time we are back in Pune, and the focus is support of
NGOs working with disadvantaged youth. Under this umbrella we hope to gain
support for rural youth in programs like the adolescent girls/boys
programs and the science center. STAPI has interest in promoting orphaned
youth, and children of migrant workers. We had a preliminary meeting and
are working on the timeline and division of responsibilities. One CRHP
intern with conference organizing experience will be focusing on this
conference. I am also hoping to invite two Elon summer interns to help
with conference-related tasks. So if you know current Elon students who
may be interested please ask them to contact me.

4. The CRHP Science Center project is going well. We had visits from over
2000 students already, organized two workshops for teachers, one Science
and Arts fair in Jamkhed, and are planning summer short-courses for High
School students. It’s been quite fun to establish the center and now I am
focusing on setting up a transition to permanent staff who will run it
after I leave.

So that’s it for now. Hope you enjoy the updates and I look forward to
hearing from you! With best wishes, always,


Thanks so much for the update Martin!

I got the chance to have lunch with Cameron (at good ol’ Taaza) a couple of weeks ago and I think she’ll be a huge asset to the Jamkhed team with her bio background, prior experience in India and appreciation for the opportunity to learn more about health and community work.
When I skyped with Ravi a couple of days ago he mentioned what a big deal the fellowship has been for CRHP and the legacy that our class has left. The new training center, built with the money from Izmir, is up and being used on a daily basis.The number of interns and fellows has DSC_0157grown exponentially since we were there (there are 9 right now) and lots of cool things are happening as you’ve probably seen from the newsletter and CRHP blog updates. If y’all haven’t seen it you should check out Alyssa’s blog as well: http://alyssadilly.wordpress.com/. Talking about the fellowship still makes me feel so nostalgic for my time there and for the times that we were there together. I’ve joined with Martin in making a monthly donation to support our class’ ongoing work in Jamkhed through the fellowship and I hope that you all will as well, as much as you are able.
I’m local in Saxapahaw currently and have been keeping up regularly with Tom and occasionally the other Periclean classes. Loving my job as the wellness and community coordinator for a local company which allows me to travel throughout the southeast and essentially take on the role of the village health worker of my workplace–focusing on community organization, health promotion and overall workplace unity. It’s a pretty sweet gig. The hardest part is that I’m really the only one in my department and don’t have as many opportunities to collaborate with people as passionate and talented as you guys. For example, it’s weird putting out a newsletter all by myself and not getting to work with someone who’s great at photography, another who’s a design whiz etc. Periclean really spoiled me.
Hope you are all doing well. Send updates!
Periclean love,
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Update from the Class of 2016

The Class of 2016 spent a small portion of class going over housekeeping issues. Fall scheduling, Relay for Life, Periclean Ambassadors to Global and Elon 101 classes, and the class structure were all discussed.

Casey Morrison worked with our mentor, April Post, on creating a goals committee that would ensure class goals are accounted for by committees. The class plans on expanding this idea to create committees to maintain relationships with our current partner and possible future partners or committees that act as liaisons between specific partners and the class.

Ashley Gherlone shared a presentation “Biodigesters for Honduras”. She originally learned about Biodigesters in her recent experience abroad last semester, and researched the implications of the concept in Honduras. Afterwards, the class spent time considering the logistics of biodigesters for our partners, Hope for Honduran Children.

Morgan Abate explained to the class about contacts she made in Honduras and promised to follow up the discussion with more information on those contacts. Class ended after small group discussion about our Periclean contracts.

Upcoming events: Steve Mencarini, Director of the Center for Leadership at Elon, is coming in to class in two weeks to run a seminar on how to be a high functioning team. The class looks forward to learning from him in hopes of becoming a more focused and productive group!

-Caley and Kerianne

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’15 Class Progress 2/25

Upcoming event: This thursday, February 2/27!!

Write red X’s on your hands to support the End It Movement, and join our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1471860706375135/?notif_t=plan_user_invited


We had another lucrative class today. The biggest update is that Elon Academy decline our request to endow a student from Restavek Freedom Foundation to attend the summer program. So, now we’re focusing on creating an endowment for RFF directly so that they can support a student’s education at their school of choice. This option gives them much more flexibility! We’re also investigating creating an Endowed Fellowship to fund an Elon student to intern at RFF, but the ideas are very tentative so far.

Set backs are unavoidable in programs such as Periclean Scholars, but we’re as excited as ever about our collaborative projects with Restavek Freedom Foundation!

Posted in Class of 2015: Haiti | Comments Off on ’15 Class Progress 2/25

Periclean Scholars – Ghana Program, Class Résumé

Since our founding in April 2007, our members, together with our US-based partners, have raised over $120,000 in cash and supplies to support health and education projects in Ghana (85%) and the USA (15%). Our members include: 29 students from Elon University’s class of 2010, 12 students from the classes of 2012-2016, and one faculty adviser.

Our Ghana-based partners have contributed $25,000 in salary support and $3,000 in materials for our major project, a community health center in Kpoeta, Ghana. Our other major project is a kindergarten in Sokode, Ghana. In the USA we have hosted speakers and an African Festival on the Elon campus, shared our research through publications and presentations, and granted small scholarships to college students with high financial need. Our key accomplishments are described below.


Kpoeta Health Center (initiated in April 2007)
• Our class responded to a request to assist the people of Kpoeta, Ghana who desired to have a health facility in their own village. People from Kpoeta were dying needlessly each year when the dirt road to their nearest health facility in Kpedze became impassible for many months during the rainy season
• By January 2009, our partnership had enabled the construction of a 10-room health center
• The facility provides year-round healthcare to 10,000 Ghanaians in the Kpoeta area
• From 2010-2014 we enlarged the complex to include a dispensary in the original building and constructed two housing blocks (two 2-bedroom apartments and two 1-bedroom apartments) to make work at the remote location more appealing for the Government of Ghana paid staff
• Due to community members’ drafting of blueprints for no charge, donations of iron roofing sheets for one structure, molding of bricks and construction of walls, all three buildings for the health center complex, including plumbing, electricity, and full kitchens and baths in each apartment, were completed with $70,000 raised by the Ghana Periclean class
• We received medical supplies from private donors and Duke University’s warehouse for the health center
• In 2011, the center was officially incorporated into the Government of Ghana’s healthcare network. This has enabled the center to receive regular shipments of medical supplies from Ghana’s Ministry of Health, patients to use their government issued Insurance Cards, and for the center to continue to receive additional staff
• Due to the many improvements in Kpoeta at the health center, the Government of Ghana leveled, widened, and paved the road between Kpoeta and Kpedze beginning in 2011. The high quality road allows people in Kpoeta to reach Kpedze easily on weekends, when the Kpoeta Health Center is closed

Sokode Kindergarten (initiated January 2009)
• Our class responded to a community request for a large multi-room kindergarten with amenities to supplement the current basic one-room building in Sokode, Ghana. Construction of the structure is underway.
• The facility, which has received $12,600 raised by the Ghana Periclean class to date, will serve 100s of students when it is completed

Heifer International’s Livestock & Beekeeping Project #21-1037-01 (Jan 2008 to Jan 2010)
• The community of Sokode together with an Elon professor put in a successful application to Heifer International to support local livelihoods in three villages, including Sokode and Kpedze
• Our class, with tremendous support from area and out-of-state churches raised $14,500 of the $247,869 needed to provide 113 families in the three villages with honey bees and grasscutters (small edible animals), units to house them, training on how to breed them, and

Library Books for Abor Elementary & Sokode Schools (initiated September 2007)
• In response to a request from a former Peace Corps volunteer, our class engaged in a book drive that added 500 Afro-centric books for children to the Abor Elementary School library
• We also engaged in a school supply and book drive for Sokode schools that led to over 1,300 books being added to Sokode libraries
• We were greatly helped by a partnership with the US Navy which enabled all of the books to be transported and imported into Ghana for free, once we were able to get the books to Norfolk, VA with the assistance of Elon’s winter term Ghana abroad program and Elon’s physical plant


College Scholarships (initiated April 2013)
• In partnership with the NGO ScholarCHIPs we have given $500 in scholarships to high need college students in the eastern US

Elon Footprints of Africa Festival (held Nov 27 to Dec 1, 2007)
• We wrote a grant and received a $5,200 campus award as well as some additional support from academic departments to host speakers, musical groups, a fashion show and more to raise awareness of the culture, history, and medical issues facing Ghana and Africa

Presentations, Publications, and Lifelong Learning (since 2007)
• Our members’ research on Ghana and development in Africa has appeared in several peer-reviewed publications including: Africa Media Review, African Studies Quarterly, Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought, and Progress in Development Studies
• Our members have written for and been featured in the popular press in newspapers and magazines including New York Times, News & Record (NC), The Mercury (PA), Voyages & Richmond Free Press Magazines (VA)
• Our members’ work has appeared in campus publications including: The Pendulum, Visions Magazine, Colonnades, the Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, and the Black Oaks Newsletter
• Our members have given more than 35 talks on Ghana or Africa on campus, in schools, churches, and at regional and national conferences and have several created public service announcement videos
• We have demonstrated the use of alternative energy devices (solar cookers) and repeated the demonstrations in Ghana (where we left several of the devices)


For more information visit our webpages:


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