After missing a class session due to inclement weather, we’re back on track. The first order of business was discussing our new website! Designed by Kelsey Lane, it features information about the general Periclean program as well as information on our class mission. It’s a great start to what will most likely become the center of the Periclean Class of 2017’s online presence. Dr. Thomas Arcaro came by our class to talk about several items, the first of which being a website for the Periclean Foundation as a whole that is being developed as well, which will allow us to stay connected to the program long after we graduate. He discussed the direness of the drought in Namibia; the already incredibly dry nation’s vital grain crop (Mahangu) is struggling with the lack of rain, leaving many desperate for food. Dr. Arcaro also updated us on the class of 2018 and reminded us of the Lumen Prize.
Networking became the focus as we discussed where to go next. We are looking for as much information as possible from people that live in Namibia and have experience with the issues that the nation faces. It is important that we act in an effective and meaningful way, and we can only do this with the aid of our Namibian counterparts. Official methods of communication were established as well as a committee for contacting and establishing relationships with partners.
We have some cultural events coming up for some class-wide bonding scheduled by the social committee. We are also working hard to spread the word about the application process for the class of 2018, with a new pamphlet design and t-shirts on the way. Besides that, we’re continuing to work and get more information for our possible project. Despite the snow we are still going strong!
-Susan Reynolds and David May