’15 Class Progress 2/25

Upcoming event: This thursday, February 2/27!!

Write red X’s on your hands to support the End It Movement, and join our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1471860706375135/?notif_t=plan_user_invited


We had another lucrative class today. The biggest update is that Elon Academy decline our request to endow a student from Restavek Freedom Foundation to attend the summer program. So, now we’re focusing on creating an endowment for RFF directly so that they can support a student’s education at their school of choice. This option gives them much more flexibility! We’re also investigating creating an Endowed Fellowship to fund an Elon student to intern at RFF, but the ideas are very tentative so far.

Set backs are unavoidable in programs such as Periclean Scholars, but we’re as excited as ever about our collaborative projects with Restavek Freedom Foundation!