Finding Order and Accord

Over the course of the semester, the Class of 2016 was faced with minor problems of unequal power distributions in class discussion as well as argumentation circularity with a lack of moderation. Realizing the potential for problems if these issues were left unhandled, the class began researching methods of countering such problems. We believed that it was important to create a type of structure, albeit a flexible one, to motivate, facilitate, and foster a method to reach agreement between diverse opinions. The consensus committee was created in order to brainstorm, research, and produce a process for the class to use to increase efficiency and equal communication.

Everyone had a different role in the committee. Initially it was only three students, however two more joined. We began by analyzing and researching other formats of organization in business and social structures. As a class we were asked to read a excerpt from a book about consensus, and then brainstorm ways to solve the problems of discord. The consensus committee then took the collection of ideas and formulated a basic outline that was presented to the class. Finally as my final project, I formalized the ideas and produced a article titled reaching consensus.

This work can be used to organize anything from businesses, to small social organizations, to corporations. For a quick summary the process works on a scaling principle, the larger organization is broken down into smaller structures, which mirror each other. Our class found that small groups produce themost communication and participation, while at the same time are sensitive to the needs of the individuals and therefore do not oppress those who are less comfortable at talking. The small structure allows everyone to feel involved and increases responsibility and accountability. The small groups then reform into a larger group, and reporters from each of the smaller groups share their findings. The groups of reporters mirror the smaller group, and the entire class has the ability to speak if their reporter does not accurately describe their conclusions. Then the consensus committee takes the ideas produced by the class and creates a proposal of consensus that the class then votes on. Finally after a maximum of two rounds of voting, an agreement is reached.

While this may seem overly complicated, it is flexible and open for change. Depending on the issue that needs to be addressed, the general process can be modified. The consensus committee is in charge of this process but remains separate from the topics at hand to prevent a power structure. Below, if you are interested, I have linked the presentation from prezi as well as the final article (which is not completely finished as there will always be room for improvement, I will most likely be fixing it in the future as we refine and better it.) Keep posted next semester or maybe during J-Term for additional revisions or thoughts on the article! If anyone has any suggestions or additions especially those from previous classes, please let me know at!!!




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One Comment

  1. Posted December 12, 2013 at 12:55 pm | Permalink

    Thanks Aidan for contributing this research to our class!