Class of 2016: The Future Looks Bright

By:  Erin Robertson, Juliana Sierra, and Liam Davitt

The Class of 2016 Periclean Scholars finished up our first semester on Friday with group project presentations.  Each group or individual was assigned the task of creating a sustainable final project that the class could use to its benefit.  Here are a few examples of what we’ve been working on this semester:

  • Lauryl Fisher focused on creating social media for our class.  She created a Tumblr, Twitter, website, and forum.  All of these have information about our Periclean class and are updated by Lauryl in order to promote our work and reach potential partners.
  • Kerianne Durkin formulated a research project and paper that she presented to us on Friday.  She did extensive research and reading on the recent Honduras election.  Through this she learned all about the political system of Honduras and helped keep our class as a whole updated on the situation.
  • Aidan Dyer presented ways in which we can better our class organization.  He conducted research to find the best methods of collaborating and being efficient.  In the future, we will decide if we want to use this proposal or not in order to create more efficient meetings and set clear goals.
  • Christian Gilbert, Meredith Berk, and Juliana Sierra spent the past few weeks trying to raise money to use for a trip to Honduras in January.  They will use this trip to gather important insight and experience for our class. We just found out today that this trip has been approved by the University, so the group will officially be going!!
  • Caroline James and Savannah Peery presented a project that they will be working on during Winter Term.  They seek insight from our peer students on what they think the financial aid situation is like in the United States.  There will more information on this during Winter Term!
  • Nick Cianciara, Erin Robertson, Megan Griffin, and Caley Mikesel worked on establishing relationships with University students in Honduras.  They presented interesting transcripts and insights from the students they talked to and created an important excel sheet containing contact information of everyone they talked to.

This is just a sneak peek of what we have been working so hard to accomplish. As the semester comes to a close our class says goodbye for the break, and wishes luck to those who are going abroad. We look forward to a new semester that awaits us with a bright and promising future. With some students continuing the planning to go to Honduras, and others working more on the development of our class project we anticipate coming back together in the Spring and continue on with the work we are doing.

Thanks for reading about our semester!  More to come in the Spring!

–Periclean Class of 2016

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One Comment

  1. Posted December 11, 2013 at 2:21 pm | Permalink

    Sooooo much work was done this semester! Thank you all for the hours and hours of research, contacts, promotions, etc. We accomplished a lot!!