Class of 2016 Update

Today during class (11/4) we broke up into our small groups to talk about our op-ed assignments about why US citizens should care about Honduras. We peer-reviewed each others drafts and wrote what we thought they did well, not so well, and what we had questions about. This feedback is going to be used for our final papers later on in the semester. We also received Periclean pins for our bags! They are a great way to spread Periclean awareness and spirit, and could maybe become pan-Periclean swag!
Next the mission statement committee (Drew and Sydney) presented their draft of the mission statement and we as a class discussed our edits and what we believed our mission statement should say about us as a class. They are going to present our revised mission statement in the next class.
The consensus committee talked to us about what they had come up with in terms of different ways of structuring our class discussion. The consensus model allows a facilitator of the discussion, a note taker, and a feelings checker among various other roles. There was much discussion among the class about the effectiveness of this method, as well as changes people feel should be made.

During our 11/6 class, Drew and Sydney presented the second draft of our mission statement, which we have since edited some more. While it is very broad right now to encompass the work we are doing to decide on a project, it will get narrower as we move forward. Using tools from the transformative summit, we did another team-building activity to enhance our communication skills while becoming more comfortable with our classmates. Lastly, we are examining several different potential partners and ideas for future projects to narrow down our focus. As of right now, we have 12 ideas/partners, and that list could either grow or shrink depending on what we find in the coming weeks.
The class’ Cookies to Go-Go project has moved forward because we chose our top secret cookie recipe. The project involves delivering cookies to dorm rooms around campus to raise money for our class’ future project in Honduras. Cookie delivery dates will be in the middle of this week.

Professor Post has been sharing a few quotes with us recently, and one of my favorites that seems to encompass our goals as Periclean Scholars is:
“When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.'” -Lao Tzu

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