By Jenna Hokanson – 2014
While I was in the Saxapahaw General Store, I purchased a muscadine wine that looked delicious and was made locally from Benjamin’s Winery! I love the local products and was so excited to try it. On our way out of Saxapahaw toward Jordan river, on our left we suddenly see a sign with a familiar name!
It was Benjamin’s Vineyard! I was so excited about this since I had just purchased the wine. On the outside there were beautiful rows of muscadine grapes, clearly used for their wines. On the inside of the cute, white house they had made into a store was the wine tasting section where they provided 4-5 wines to taste for a small price. Because it was near closing time, our group took a quick walk through the grapes, tried a couple, and left with smiles and cute pictures in the vineyard. The wine was delicious and I recommend anyone with a sweet taste for wine to try it.