Katie Stewart

Katie Stewart

My name is Katie Stewart and I am an English professional writing major with minors in creative writing and human service studies. I love writing, hiking, and exploring new places. My favorite travelling experience so far was in Yosemite National Park, where I hiked on beautiful and unfamiliar terrain. You can find my work in the 2014 Foothills section. I can’t wait to share my new experiences on Highway 64 with you!

Miranda Allan

Miranda Allan

Hello and welcome to the Highway 64 Project!

My name is Miranda Allan. I am an English major with a concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric and a minor in Political Science. I intend to pursue a career in social work and have interned with First In Families of North Carolina, a non-profit organization providing services to families with members who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Additionally, I work as a consultant in Elon’s Center for Writing Excellence. I first became interested in travel writing while studying with the Elon Center Abroad in Florence, Italy in the Spring of 2014. My work is featured in the Fall 2014 Foothills section.

Caroline Zybala

Caroline Zybala

Caroline Zybala is Strategic Communication and English (Professional Writing and Rhetoric) double major from Charlotte, NC. Currently a junior, she was part of the Piedmont Group for the project. On campus, Caroline works in the Writing Center and is part of Habitat for Humanity. She will be spending the spring 2015 semester studying in Prague, Czech Republic.

Eliza Williams

Eliza Williams

Eliza Williams is a senior International Business major with a minor in Italian Studies. Her childhood has been spent between Rhode Island and Florida and many consider her a certified travel junkie. She has been fortunate enough to travel to many incredible destinations throughout the world; perhaps her favorites being the Galapagos Islands and Italy, where she studied abroad and spent this past summer interning at the U.N. She is a member of the Coastal Plains group for 2014 and has learned a great deal about life in North Carolina from travelling to several towns along the eastern segment of the highway. Her favorite pastimes include reading, writing, music and photography. After graduation she hopes to move abroad and work in the Marketing or PR field while writing as much as she can on the side. One of her lifelong dreams is to move to Venice, Italy; so, stay tuned!

Kyle Lynch

Kyle Lynch

Kyle Lynch is a senior from Long Island, New York, majoring in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Professional Writing. A lifelong sports fan, Kyle hopes to pursue a career in sports journalism moving forward, specifically in soccer or hockey. Also an avid traveler, his favorite cities he has visited are Prague and New Orleans.

Kelley Dodge

Kelley Dodge

Kelley Dodge is a junior from Illinois, majoring in English with a concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric. She is also minoring in Business Administration and Professional Sales. At Elon she works as a tour guide in Admissions and a consultant in the Writing Center. Pursuing her love of travel, Kelley has been abroad to India, Germany, Austria, Canada, and other Caribbean nations. She traveled across the Piedmont area for the Highway 64 Project.

Jenna Hokanson

Jenna Hokanson

Jenna Hokanson is a Senior BFA Acting and BA Arts Administration double major. Jenna is a part of the Piedmont group which includes her hometown Lexington, NC! She spends most of her time onstage and offstage she’s interned at Dallas Theatre Center, Premiere Stages, and Burning Coal Theatre Company. At Elon she is the Co-executive Director of Renegade Productions and a member of Alpha Psi Omega. New experiences thrill her and she is so happy to share her work in travel writing with you!


Taylor Hill

imageTaylor Hill is a Professional Writing and Rhetoric major with a minor in Business Administration. She was a member of the Foothills group for the 2013 Travel Writing Highway 64 project and worked on five pieces for the site. She is from Atlanta, GA and is interested in traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures. Her time as a student in Travel Writing has prepared her for her Winter Term Study Abroad trip to Germany, France and Czech Republic set for January 2014, and she is excited to implement the things that she has learned into her time abroad.

Dustin Swope

dustinI’m Dustin Swope, a c/o 2015 Tampa, FL native that found Elon University on a serendipitous accident, and I’ve loved the school and the community from the very beginning. I’m double-majoring in English and Philosophy, but when I’m not reading or writing, I satisfy my passion for cultural exploration and adventure. I used to think that the only way to do this was by leaving the country. Just recently, though, I’ve learned what distinct cultural identities one can find by simply going town-to-town – I don’t even need to leave the state to find diversity anymore! As for the future, I have dreams of going on to be a personal injury attorney, being the voice of the voiceless and fighting for those in need. I hope to bring these goals together in a life of telling stories and promoting empathy and compassion in the world.

Hillary Dooley

hillaryHillary is an English major with a concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric. She is from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania and has spent a semester studying in Florence, Italy. She enjoys traveling, reading, and yoga. Hillary was part of the 2013 Mountain Region Team, and she worked on several pieces, including profiles of a local farmer and the mayor of Murphy.