I didn’t need to go to grad school to understand that visual aesthetics were important — that people like at design that looks clean and creative. But prior to semester, and this course, that was all I knew.
This course has been beneficial in terms of giving me the opportunity to practice and apply design techniques through the assignments that we’ve had.
Designing is just like any other creative process. Much like with writing or non-digital artistry, everyone has a different style of execution that is most effective for him or her. The least enjoyable project for me was the mobile interface design, with all of the little deadlines we had to meet. I find it more difficult to be creative when there is someone constantly checking up on your progress.
On the other hand, my favorite project was the motion typography assignment. There was more creative freedom and only one deadline to hit. That’s how I prefer to work, at least it always had been when I did a lot of video production. And I’m finding it’s how I prefer to work when designing. It’s always comforting to understand how you operate.
I’ve enjoyed the course this semester, and I’ll have to find something to fill the void now that we don’t have to blog anymore.
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