The first of the short films that I watched was “Circles”. The description on the website described the video thusly: “Not sure what this one is about…ghosts and alternate dimensions figure in.” That pretty much sums it all up, as I wasn’t really sure what this video was about either. In the film, two friends are having a conversation. One is going on about the real world and the “spirit world” spinning off axis and intersecting, and the other one is having none of it. The later friend is concerned about his printing business while the other one continues to talk about “ghosts in the corner of your eye” and other paranormal business. And, uh…that’s…about it. That’s the video. I must admit, I thought the filmmakers were going to introduce some plot twist at the end, but…nothing. As far as the technical aspects of the film, there were about 3 or 4 different camera angles that the action jumped between. That’s about all I got from this film. I’m sure there’s something that I’m missing, but I can’t see it right now. I would love to be proven wrong. As someone who is kind of into sci-fi and fantasy type stories, I’m sad that this film didn’t evolve into something along those lines; I felt like that was the direction I was being led to.
The second short film that I watched was “Bridge”. The description on the site states: “Two friends move toward a discovery.” I feel that I was not the target audience for this film. While the production quality was very high (shots were composed well, good lighting, etc.), the narrative didn’t really resonate with me the way it might someone else. That’s not to say that the story and narrative were bad (it was actually quite nice, easy to follow, etc.), however; I just personally didn’t feel a strong connection to it. But then again, I still haven’t seen “Inception”, so what do I know? All in all, the short film was nice, and there is a lot to learn from it about both narrative and filmography.