These are a few of my favorite…title sequences.

I’ve always loved a good title sequence and noticed/appreciated them way before this assignment. I rather enjoyed this little jaunt through title sequence lane. True Blood is actually one I’ve always liked and also led to my love of Jace Everett who sings the song for the intro. True Blood sets a sick and twisted mood. A little gory, a little sexy, and a lot of backwoods Louisiana crazy. The mix of music and well cut video make for a great title sequence. To me, an undeniably good title sequence is all about the music. It sets the rhythm for the entire production. And if you understand the power of music then the audience is yours to do with what you will. It sets the pace and tells a story within a story, albet in the abstract.

Seven has a title sequence that also follows a twisted theme. The music and video tell a story of a killer and I can gather from it the base of what I will come to expect from the film. It reminds me of American Horror Story which has one of the most horrific, well made and soul grasping title sequences I’ve ever seen. It even more than the show makes me cover my eyes in childlike fear. The way they cut the music really makes the audience squirm in their seats. It is truly powerful and is a piece of art in and of itself.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, one of the coolest title sequences I’ve ever seen. I know I’m deviating from the given set of title sequences but I’ve always been appreciative of them. This was one that popped into my head immediately, it was so beautiful and weird that it left a lasting impression. How they used music and the flow of oil/black water was brilliant and disturbing. But coming together to invoke the vulgarity of the film itself.

Dues Ex, tells the entire story in 2 minutes. This was one of the gaming sequences I watched and was literally a movie in only a few minutes. I can tell what is about to happen by simple inference. It was wonderfully made by imitating X-rays. Using their text style and image style, it was truly a work of art.


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