First and foremost, I am having trouble with the fact that I read this text multiple times and that I am still at a loss of ideas and comprehension to what the actual intention of this writing is.
This so called “Shelley Jackson” person is very intriguing. Much so in fact that I was more interested in learning more about her than grasping the many tangents and semi-valid points that she wrote about.
With no intention to just dog out this text, I did agree with one point that was made in the writing. Under the section “Write Mutt”, I found the advice to read and experience other styles of writing to be very useful. I whole-heartily agree that as writers, we must be exposed to different genres, topics and writing styles to develop our own. Jackson’s style may be a little too off for my tastes, but the fact that its a culmination of ideas and styles make it that much more intriguing.
Jackson writes in a very non-linear way. I even wonder about her readers and if they even find joy in her material. While her subjects are interesting and her intentions behind the writing may be good, her actual writing style is a distraction and caused me to check into a nearby psych unit.
I hope to never read this text again.
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