Welcome back from the winter hiatus! The ’15 Periclean Scholars had their second class of the Spring semester today. For many, it was a welcome back from a semester or winter term studying abroad. Over the next several weeks, we will thoroughly enjoy hearing about their experiences abroad through small slideshows.
Our main goal today was to form new committees and define each committee’s role for the semester. We created committees: Haitian Partner, Local Partner, PR/Campus Education and Awareness, Travel, Social, and Steering Committee. Each committee will be working on independent and yet interrelated projects outside of class time, and report the progress during class.
We additionally set the schedule for leading class discussions regarding a current or relevant article or short reading for the upcoming four classes. These discussions will be an excellent opportunity to stay up to date on happenings in Haiti and happenings in human trafficking.
Projects with Alamance for Freedom and Alamance Freedom Foundation continue to develop!