We are excited to announce our formal human trafficking and restavek partners! Over the next year and a half and beyond, we will be working with the Restavek Freedom Foundation and the Alamance County for Freedom, a new human trafficking coalition.
Last week we brainstormed ways we could get involved with these organizations, and today we challenged ourselves to make bigger and more sustainable goals. We have a lot of networking to do over the next couple week and many special speakers coming to our class to help us refine our ideas as well as shed light on other areas of opportunity. Special speakers include Dr. Carmen Monico, who is currently researching human trafficking in NC, and Chris Esters from the Development Office.
We’re also working on building an application for a travel waiver.
Some announcements:
Gray Havens Project, a non-profit that addresses human trafficking in VA, is coming to the lecture hall in McMichal next Thursday at 7:30.
The author of The Big Truck that Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster is coming to Duke University on November 6th at 5:00 in the Franklin Humanities Institute Garage.
Did you know that the Dominican Republic just passed a law that denies citizenship to Dominican-born Haitians?