Class Notes: 3/5

Class Updates:

Susie and Colby are meeting with Christa Arangala tomorrow to discuss the Freshmen Induction. Colby met with April Post, the faculty advisor of the 16’s, to discuss ideas about the induction. We will collaborate with her and Christa to come up with a plan. One idea is serving Honduran food for the induction, and we will cook it! Or get it catered. We’re really excited, and they’re going through interviews right now.

Possible ideas with Helon Wright: her parents started the nonprofit Hearts with Haiti, and she started a Dance Theatre. Perhaps we could use them as exposure for our class and project as well as their organization? College Coffee performance? They’re coming in the fall (October), so we could actually have them do an evening performance. Maybe along side Elon organizations too, like the Elon Africa Society, other Dance Companies

We need to get our elevator speech going and ready for the induction. Who can make the video? Bia’s video was awesome, and Jonathan would be great.


Haiti contacts:

1) Jonathan, the Program Officer of the Equitas Group. This organization works with Restaveks in Haiti, we are in contact with him and hoping to Skype with him soon! (Susie)

2) Chloe’s contact, Kevin Bales, from Free the Slaves, which is partnered with Fondasyon Limyè Lavi, a Haitian Restavek organization. Aim to break the silence regarding Restaveks. Runs training session for grassroots leaders. Arranges open spaces dialogues in most affected areas. Links with radio stations.

3) Jean Cadet – Awareness, radio (Kerry’s connection) or Restavek Freedom Foundation – Advocacy and provide transitional homes (Georgia).


Local partners:

1) NC Coalition Against Human Trafficking: A group of several human trafficking organizations. We could raise awareness and advocacy, get involved in policy advocacy and education. They already have a program with UNC Chapel Hill. (Cat)

2) Break the Chain: Started by Institute Policy Studies after exposure of domestic slaves in DC for government official in ’97. Again, this would be like policy advocacy.

3) Triad Ladder of Hope: Awareness campaigns, presentations, donations of supplies and financial help. They have a victim partnership. For $30/mo, you can completely cover one person. Food, housing, job training, counseling, etc. Possible to build personal relationships with victims?

4) Farm Workers Advocacy Network: Farmers are a vulnerable population that are susceptible to human trafficking. There’s already a program for NC college students: Student Action Workers. There are many opportunities to get involved with both the victims, vulnerable populations, and advocacy.

5) Crossroads: sexual assault response center. This is very local and for children. But it focuses more on abuse as opposed to trafficking

6) NC Stop Human Trafficking: Big coalition that collaborates with other organizations. Kind of like an umbrella organization. They would be a great resource, however partnering with them may be more difficult.

We need to contact these organizations in order for them to even be possibilities! We should focus on local. Break the Chain is national.

Next week, we will have all the information for the induction, ideas for the video, and a shared Google Drive for all of our files (such as resources, possible partners)


Possible Areas of Focus:

Orphanage, rehabilitation, prevention, care packages, changing social construction, awareness

US dept of st recommendations for Haiti:

promote a definition of trafficking, education for children and sensitization for parents, partnerships with NGOs, enact legislation


Contribute to the Future Events Ideas page!


What to expect for Tuesday: Shelby is going to write a template email for the organizations. The template will be posted on the Google Drive. Each contact for each organization needs to fill in the blanks and send the email out to their organization and report back by NEXT TUESDAY:

Free the Slaves: Chloe

Jean Cadet: Kerry

Restavek Freedom Foundation: Georgia

St. Joseph’s: Sophia


NC Coalition again Human Trafficking: Cat

Farm Workings Advocacy Network: Cat

Triad Ladder of Hope: Cat

CrossRoads: Rachel