Periclean Class of 2016 Notes

On February 4, 2014, the Periclean Scholars Class of 2016 spent some time catching up after a long winter break. Some announcements were made, including the introduction of Professor Steve, the Periclean Scholars Mentor for the class of ’09. We then figured out logistics for the semester, including encouraging Periclean Scholars to sign up to be note-takers and facilitators for classes.

When talking about possibilities for the rest of the semester, Anna suggested that we partner with the Elon Microfinance Initiative to host a conference about international and development economics. Erin agreed to meet with a company she has connections to in Argentina about the possibility of coming to Elon for the conference.

The Pericleans spent the rest of class reading over and finalizing the spring semester syllabus in groups of three or four.

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