
Hello everyone! My name is Jordan Vaughn and I’m a junior. I’m a Public Health and Sociology major with minors in Leadership studies and French. I’m involved in a number of things on campus such as being a Tour Guide, RA, and VP of the Black Student Union.

I signed up for this course because I find Elon’s fascination with being a Global Citizen highly interesting but I don’t think that concept is ever fully defined of analyzed. After my time in Cape Town, South Africa I got to thinking more and more about the idea of a global citizen and how that idea can sometimes go so wrong so fast. I think it will be interesting to understand this concept for a sociological perspective and will help be execute being a global citizen in a more effective way.

My COR110 class focused a lot on sex trafficking and humanitarian work which is a lot of what this class will focus on. We often talked about missions trips and conservation techniques but I am excited to talk about it from a more intellectual perspective rather than just the facts and figures. Another class I have taken that I think will be highly relevant is a class I took abroad called Social Justice and Inequality which talked heavily about the colonization of South Africa and global cities around the world. It focused a lot on humanitarian aid and the progression from that into colonization. 

(my friends and I often discuss the what it’s of the world and this is one that is particularly interesting )

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