SAS Visit

SAS’s Mission

The mission of SAS is very unique in comparison to most business analytics companies out there.  While they provide top of the line services with incredibly powerful data-mining programs that are user friendly, they also manage to create a cohesive and welcoming community to all that they come in contact with.  Not only do they provide top of the line service for clients, but they also have world class benefits for their employees including child care, car detailing, on campus Starbucks, massages and more.  They have invested heavily in their own employees and that is one of the reasons the employees of SAS have remained so loyal to their company.  Similar companies in the industry have a turnover ratio of 15%, but SAS has a turnover ratio of 4%.

SAS’s Customers

SAS serves an incredible amount of top companies around the world.  In fact they are the world leader in advanced analytics with a commanding 36.2% share of the market.  With over 13,000 employees in 55 countries SAS is able to serve its customers from basically anywhere in the globe.  A few notable customers of SAS are the government, Kohls, American Eagle, Financial Agencies and numerous others.

What do SAS’s Customers Value?

There are many things that the customers of SAS value.  First, as we talked about in the discussion, the customers value the innovation that SAS is always making to their products.  As a leading technological company, SAS is never sitting back and letting the market decide their next move.  Conversely, they make changes before the market so that they are on the leading edge of different movements in the industry.  Also, as they change their products, they have a system in place to keep their customers up to date with that software by leasing them the product instead of forcing them to buy the different programs.  Next, as employees are very loyal to SAS and rarely leave, this also helps serve their customers even better.  The majority of the people who are in direct contact with clients have been at SAS for a long time and with the same company as well.  With a deep understanding of not only SAS, but also the client’s company, both SAS and the client company will benefit greatly.

What were SAS’s results?

SAS has certainly done extremely well in their field as evidenced by their commanding 36.2% share of the market.  I truly think that their success lies in their refusal to convert to a public company.  As a privately owned company, the leadership team has the only and final say in everything that SAS does.  And they have continued to have steady economic growth for 36 years and will most certainly continue to grow well into the future.  Another key indicator that SAS is one of the top advanced analytic companies in the world is all the awards that they have received over the years including Best Places to Work, spots on the Oprah and Today Show and numerous other instances of publicity.

 What is SAS’s Plan?

When this question was asked in class, I was very interested in what the response would be.  Although SAS is a world class technology based company, every company needs to find ways to change to stay up to date with other companies.  Their response was not that surprising; going mobile and more user friendly.  Smart phones have revolutionized the way we interact with our world, and SAS is trying to get their foot in the door with increased user friendly apps that automatically sync to computer devices.  This is the future of advanced analytics and SAS is leading the way with their technology. Overall, it was a great trip to SAS today and I am definitely interested in how big of a company they are yet always manage to put people first.

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