Side by Side, Split Screen, and the Scroll Bar

Posted on: November 18, 2008 | By: Elite | Filed under: Tech Tips

Viewing two documents side by side

Have you ever had two documents open and wanted to compare them, and found yourself clicking back and forth between the two?Did you know that Microsoft Word will let you compare these two documents at the click of a button?To do this, click the View tab at the top of the page and click View Side by Side.This will shrink both documents to half of the screen’s width and will allow you to see both of them at the same time without clicking back and forth.

Viewing a document in a split screen view

Have you ever found yourself wearing out your scroll bar going back and forth between two sections of a Word document?For example, when you are adding references and checking back at your references page or comparing the consistency of your introduction and conclusion paragraphs.One of nicest yet most underused tools in Microsoft Word is its ability to look at two separate parts of the page at once.To do this, click the View tab at the top of the page and click Split.Your cursor will go the center of the page, and you can choose where you want the split in the page to be.Now, you can look at and edit both parts of your document without having to spend the time scrolling back and forth, which is helpful especially in longer documents.

The scroll bar

Finally, many people know that if you click on the up and down arrows on the scroll bar, it will move you up and down the page.Many people even know that if you click the double arrow icon at the bottom corner of the page, that will move between pages in the document.But what most people don’t know is that if you click on the circle between these two buttons, you can change where these arrows take you.So, instead of going to the next page, pushing these buttons can bring you to the next header, the next table or even the next image.Depending on what the contents of your documents usually are, changing these settings could make you much more efficient in your Word usage.

These tips will truly change the way you look at Word.Literally.We hope that these help, though, and make you more efficient in the way that you use Microsoft Word.

That’s all we have for now.Until next week,

The elite Program


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