This episode challenges the idea that intergenerational and historical traumas are separate experiences for Black and Brown Girls & Women, within the context of education, health, and psychology.
Buffie Longmire-Avital
Associate Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of African and African American Studies at Elon University
Dr. Buffie Longmire-Avital is an associate professor of psychology and coordinates the African and African-American Studies interdisciplinary minor at Elon University. She received her PhD in applied developmental psychology from New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. For more than a decade, she has been involved in applied research and practice that examines how the intersection of psychosocial factors (e.g., racial identity, everyday discrimination, stress, and perceived opportunities) are related to the health risk behaviors and psychological well-being of minorities. Specifically, she investigates the patterns of HIV risk behavior for sexually active emerging adult Black Americans; and explores the relationships between stress (including race-related), depression, and eating pathology for Black collegiate women. As a health disparities researcher, Longmire-Avital’s work has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a 2010 recipient of their highly selective Loan Repayment Program for Health Disparities Research. As a Center for Engaged Learning Scholar, she studies and writes about the need for a critical equity framework when attempting to sustain the engagement of historically underrepresented students in high impact educational practices. Longmire-Avital is the author of several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.