Posted on: February 16, 2019 | By: Carmen Monico | Filed under: Podcast

This episode highlights gendered and racial disparities as it relates to women and girls of color, within the context of law enforcement and the Black church.

Download Episode 2


Dr. Sharon Ellis Davis

Affiliate Professor

Dr. Sharon Ellis Davis is a Pastor of the United Church of Christ and a Retired Police Officer of the City of Chicago where she served several positions including patrol officer, criminalist in the Department’s Crime Laboratory examining hairs/fibers/blood stain analysis and testifying in court as an expert witness.  Sharon retired from the Department after 31 ½ years of service. Currently Dr. Ellis Davis serves as an Affiliate Professor at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago and a Faculty Mentor at United Theological Seminary, Dayton Ohio where she leads Doctor of Ministry Students through obtaining their Doctor of Ministry Degree in the field of Pastoral Care and Counseling.  She is also a trainer with the Faith Trust Institute, based in Seattle Washington where she provides training in the area of Healthy Clergy Boundaries and Domestic Violence to faith institutions. Sharon teaches courses such as Sexual and Domestic Violence; Pastoral Care in Times of Crisis, Peace-Building in the Beloved Community and Mass Incarceration and the Criminal Justice System.  Academically, Dr. Sharon Ellis Davis has an earned M.Div., D.MIN in Pastoral Care and a PhD in the field of Theology and Ethics. Dr. Ellis Davis is a published author. Her latest book is titled, “African American Battered Women: A Study of Gender Entrapment.”

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